
来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoubujin1
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“八五”期间,保定市贯彻“积极扶持、合理规划、正确引导、加强管理”的方针,坚持“多轮驱动,多轨运行,放手发展”的原则,推动了乡镇企业大发展。乡镇企业总产值占全市工农业总产值的比重达69.7%,增加值占国内生产总值的38.2%,上缴税金占全市工商税收的46.2%,占财政收入35.3%。全市农民人均纯收入1600元中,来自乡镇企业的部分占34.5%。乡镇企业为全市国民经济特别是农村经济的发展振兴作出了贡献。“九五”期间,保定市乡镇企业要按照“两个转变”的要求,跃上新的台阶。国民经济和社会的发展需要对乡镇企业提出新的更高的要求,这就是要实现“六率”(提高乡镇企业对社会的贡献率、提高对小康建设的贡献率、提高农业产业化中的贡献率、提高科技进步贡献率、提高外向型经济增长率、提高综合效益率)。 During the “8th Five-Year Plan” period, Baoding City adhered to the principle of “actively supporting, rationally planning, correctly guiding, and strengthening management,” and adhered to the principle of “multi-wheel drive, multi-track operation, and development” and promoted townships and townships. Big business development. The total output value of township enterprises accounts for 69.7% of the total industrial and agricultural output value of the city. The added value accounts for 38.2% of the total GDP. The tax paid on the total accounts for 46.2% of the city’s industrial and commercial revenue, accounting for 35.3% of fiscal revenue. The per capita net income of farmers in the city was 1,600 yuan, and those from township and village enterprises accounted for 34.5%. Township enterprises have contributed to the development of the city’s national economy, especially the rural economy. During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, township and village enterprises in Baoding City must follow the requirements of the “two changes” to a new level. The development of the national economy and society needs to put forward new and higher requirements for township and village enterprises. This is to achieve “six rates” (increasing the contribution rate of township enterprises to society, increasing the contribution to building a well-to-do society, and improving agricultural industrialization. China’s contribution rate, increase the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress, increase the growth rate of export-oriented economy, and increase the overall efficiency rate.
总结目前砖砌体建筑中地面、现浇整体式和预制装配式楼盖中大量存在的多种裂缝特征 ,提出了有效防止措施 Summarizes a large number of cracks present in the ground, in-
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目的 探讨心包液肿瘤标记物检测对癌性心包积液的诊断价值。方法 采用放免法,测定经临床确诊的17 例转移性癌性心包积液和15 例良性心包积液中CEA、CA199 、CA50含量,并予分析。结果 癌性
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