High-Intensity Femtosecond Laser Interaction with Rare Gas Clusters

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zphym
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With a 45 fs multiterawatt 790 nm laser system and jets of argon and krypton atomic clusters, a study of the interaction of fs intense laser pulses with large size rare gas clusters was conducted. The maximum laser intensity of about 7×10 16 W/cm 2 and clusters composed of thousands of atoms which were determined through Rayleigh scattering measurements were involved in the experiments. On the one hand, the results indicate that the interaction is strongly cluster size dependent. The stronger the interaction, the larger the clusters are. On the other hand, a saturation followed by a drop of the energy of ions ejected from the interaction will occur when the laser intensity exceeds a definite value for clusters of a certain size. With a 45 fs multiterawatt 790 nm laser system and jets of argon and krypton atomic clusters, a study of the interaction of fs intense laser pulses with large size rare gas clusters was conducted. The maximum laser intensity of about 7 × 10 16 W / cm 2 and clusters composed of thousands of atoms which were determined through Rayleigh scattering measurements were involved in the experiments. On the one hand, the results said that the interaction is strongly cluster size dependent. The stronger the interaction, the larger the clusters are. On the other hand, a saturation followed by a drop of the energy of ions ejected from the interaction will occur when the laser intensity exceeds a definite value for clusters of a certain size.
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