
来源 :中山大学法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liushanxue
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在民族民主革命时期,人权话语曾被中国共产党人作为动员的口号和批判的武器,但1949年以后,西方在人权话语上的政治化和作为西方政治工具的人权所扮演的不光彩角色,使人权话语在中国长期政治化。当代中国5部宪法性文献虽然没有使用人权一词,但其中的诸多内容及2004年宪法修正案的出台,记载了人权话语在当代中国的宪法化进程。在这一进程中,中国宪法对人权、公民基本权利的有关规定,甚至宪法的人权思维,堪称中西方人权分歧的一个样本,不仅保持着对西方人权观的提防和警醒,与人权不可侵犯性、普遍性、人权主要是个人权利这些西方人权核心话语拉开了距离,并且实现了人权来源、性质、主体、范围等人权话语在中国的宪法化。 During the period of national democratic revolution, the discourse of human rights was used by the Chinese Communists as the motto of mobilization and the weapon of criticism. After 1949, however, the Western politicization of human rights discourse and the unfilial role played by human rights as a political tool of the West Human rights discourse has long been politicized in China. Although the five constitutional documents of contemporary China do not use the term human rights, many of them and the introduction of the 2004 constitutional amendment record the process of constitutionalization of human rights discourse in contemporary China. In this process, the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China on human rights, the basic provisions of the basic rights of citizens, and even the constitutional human rights thinking can be regarded as a sample of differences between China and the West. It not only maintains guard and vigilance against the Western human rights perspective but also inviolability of human rights The human rights are mainly individual rights, which are the core human rights discourses in human rights. These rights and universals and human rights are the main human rights discourses, and the human rights discourse has its origin, nature, subject, scope and other human rights discourses in China.
人工辅助生殖技术(Assisted Reproduction Technology,ART)作为现代医学治疗不孕的重要手段,对传统自然生殖方式有重要补救作用。人工辅助生殖技术在对传统伦理道德观念形成
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