
来源 :机械工厂设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kelukeke
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(一)群众的智能鼓足干劲、力争上游、多快好省地建设社会主义的总路线,时刻在鼓舞和推动着我们每一个设计人员。究竟在设计中如何来贯彻总路线,如何来实行技术革命,如何来使设计工作赶上工农业生产大跃进的形势,并促进生产大跃进,这是我们每一个设计人员时刻在思考和关心的问题。我们的行动口号是:革三角板、丁字尺的命,从弯腰驼背的手工业生产方式中解放出来;革繁琐计算公式的命,从繁琐的数字中解放出来。我们实际行动的方向是:建筑物、构筑物采用定型设计法;平、立、剖面小样采用活版设计法;建筑结构大样采用一版万用设计法;建筑结构计算采用图表设计法。经过全科同志十天的努力,我们向全院技术革新展 (1) The general wisdom of the masses to work hard, to strive for the upper reaches, and to build socialism more quickly and efficiently is always encouraging and promoting each of our designers. How to implement the general line in the design, how to implement the technological revolution, how to make the design work catch up with the great leap forward of the industrial and agricultural production, and promote the production leap forward, this is a question that every one of our designers is always thinking about and caring about. . Our action slogan is: The life of the leather triangle plate and the T-foot ruler was liberated from the hunchback of the handicraft production methods; the life of the cumbersome calculation formula was liberated from the cumbersome numbers. The direction of our practical actions is: the stereotyped design method is adopted for buildings and structures; the letterpress design method is used for the flat, vertical, and profile samples; the universal design method is used for the large sample of architectural structures; and the graphic design method is used for the calculation of architectural structures. After ten days of hard work by the comrades of the whole institute, we showed the hospital a technical innovation.
1949年4月我军发动的渡江战役,揭开了向全国进军的序幕,是我军在长江以北歼灭国民党主力的必然发展.本文以详实的资料阐述了党中央关于渡江战役决策的形成过程. The cross-r
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小学音乐教育是优化人才素质,向学生实施美育的重要途径。在音乐教学活动中,运用恰当的教学方法和重视音乐课的创新,是每个音乐教师的责任。  一 、围绕兴趣,选择教学方法  1.启发式教学法  课堂导入越来越受到教师的重视,因为好的开端是成功的一半。教师应紧紧抓住学生的注意力,遵循寓教于乐的教学原则,根据学生好动、好玩、好奇的特点,精心选择新颖生动、富于童趣的方法,如配乐讲故事、利用课件插图、游戏、谜语