“国宝”陈垣:既做经师 更为人师

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古人云:“经师易遇,人师难遭。”在20世纪的中国教育界,却有一位堪称经师与人师合一的史学家陈垣。他不仅精通经史子集、诗书画艺、历史学、版本目录学,而且在他从教70多年的岁月里,培养了众多才华出众的弟子,可谓桃李满门。毛泽东誉其为中国的“国宝”。不为乾嘉作殿军1880年出生于广东新会的陈垣既不同于陈寅恪,系名门之后,有家学渊源,亦不同于胡适等人,有游学欧美的经历,他完全是靠持之以恒的苦读,得以自学成才。 The ancients said: In the twentieth century, there is a historian named Chen Yuan, who is a teacher and teacher in the Chinese education circle in the 20th century. He is not only proficient in the history of sub-collection, poetry and calligraphy and painting, history, version of the bibliography, but also in his years of teaching from 70 years to train a large number of talented disciples, can be described as peach. Mao Zedong praised it as China’s “national treasure.” Not for Qianjia as a military force Born in 1880 in Guangdong Xinhui Chen Yuanke is different from Chen Yin Ke, Department of the door, a scholar of family history, is different from Hu Shi and others, with the experience of traveling to Europe and the United States, he is entirely by persistent pain Read, be self-taught.
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2008年,有“中国茶叶奥斯卡”之称的“陆羽奖”花落江元勋家,颁奖词上写道:“在这样的困境中,他站了出来,以艺术家一样的想象神奇地点化着武夷红茶片片纤细的叶尖。左手是金,右手是银,正山小种红茶在他的指间获得了涅槃重生。”  身为正山小种红茶第24代传人,52岁的江元勋就像他的祖辈们那样,准备用一辈子来和茶叶打交道。  灵机一动,“金骏眉”横空出世  10年前,金骏眉在茶叶市场突然火了。这个传奇的背