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见到岳国瑄之前,我们已经不止一次地听说过他的极富传奇的经历或叫故事。可是,当我们登门府上,亲眼目睹老人家鹤发童颜的风采之时,还是怀揣着几分敬佩,几分理解,几分探求。 岳国瑄,字御昊,生于1916年,辽宁省开源县人。幼读私塾。14岁拜家父好友、名医王仲珊学医。19岁开始由家父指导,传其祖传秘方,是岳氏胃药的第四代传人。“九一八”事变前,岳先生即弃医从戎,加入反满抗日队伍。毕业于黄埔军校15期,陆军大学第七期。抗日时获陆海空一级勋章。抗日胜利后,岳先生毫不犹疑地去职解甲,在藏龙卧虎的上海始建“万全堂”开始第二次行医。先生一生博学,书为一生之忠爱,以精神愈用愈出,智力愈苦愈明为身教。从少年时起每晚学习必至零 Before we saw Yue Guomao, we have heard about his legendary story or story more than once. However, when we go door to door, witnessed the style of the elderly when Hefafayan, or with a bit of respect, a little understanding, a bit of exploration. Yue Gu Yue, the word Yu Hao, born in 1916, Liaoning Province, Kaiyuan County. Young read private school. 14-year-old worship my friend, doctor Wang Zhong Shan study medicine. 19-year-old started by the guidance of his father, pass on his ancestral recipe, is the fourth generation of Yue’s stomach medicine descendant. Prior to the “September 18” Incident, Mr. Yue was a doctor in the army and joined the anti-Manchurian contingent. Graduated from Whampoa Military Academy 15, Army University seventh. Anti-Japanese land, air and sea level medal. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Mr. Yue did not hesitate to leave for the armor and started a second medical practice in Shanghai where Canglongwohu was founded. Mr. life erudite, book loyalty for life, with the more the more out of the mind, the more pain more knowledge to teach. Every night from the beginning of childhood learning will be zero
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