家族性克罗恩病肠黏膜通透性增加的遗传基础:CARD15 3020insC突变的作用

来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yw1234c
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Background and aim: A genetically impaired intestinal barrier Function has long been suspected to be a predisposing factor for Crohn’s disease (CD). Recently, mutations of the capsase recruitment domain family, member 15 (CARD15) gene have been identified and associated with CD. We hypothesise that a CARD15 mutation may be associated with an impaired intestinal barrier. Methods: We studied 128 patients with quiescent CD, 129 first degree relatives (CD-R), 66 non-related household members (CD-NR), and 96 healthy controls. The three most common CARD15 polymorphisms (R702W, G908R, and 3020insC)were analysed and intestinal permeability was determined by the lactulose/mannitol ratio. Results: Intestinal permeability was significantly increased in CD and CD-R groups compared with CD-NR and controls. Values above the normal range were seen in 44% of CD and 26% of CD-R but only in 6% of CD-NR, and in none of the controls. A household community with CD patients, representing a common environment, was not associated with increased intestinal permeability in family members. However, 40% of CD first degree relatives carrying a CARD15 3020insC mutation and 75% (3/4) of those CD-R with combined 3020insC and R702W mutations had increased intestinal permeability compared with only 15% ofwild-types, indicating a genetic influence on barrier function. R702W and G908R mutations were not associated with high permeability. Conclusions: In healthy first degree relatives, high mucosal permeability is associated with the presence of a CARD15 3020insC mutation. This indicates that genetic factors may be involved in impairment of intestinal barrier function in families with IBD. Background and aim: A genetically impaired intestinal barrier Function has long been suspected to be predisposing factor for Crohn’s disease (CD). Recently, mutations of the capsase recruitment domain family, member 15 (CARD15) gene have been identified and associated with CD. We hypothesized that a CARD15 mutation may be associated with an impaired intestinal barrier. Methods: We studied 128 patients with quiescent CD, 129 first degree relatives (CD-R), 66 non-related household members controls. The three most common CARD15 polymorphisms (R702W, G908R, and 3020insC) were analyzed and the intestinal permeability was determined by the lactulose / mannitol ratio. Results: Intestinal permeability was significantly increased in CD and CD-R groups compared with CD-NR and controls. Values ​​above the normal range were seen in 44% of CD and 26% of CD-R but only in 6% of CD-NR, and in none of the controls. A household community with CD patients, representing a common environmen However, 40% of CD first degree relatives carrying a CARD15 3020insC mutation and 75% (3/4) of those CD-Rs with combined 3020insC and R702W mutations had increased intestinal permeability Compared with only 15% of wild-types, indicating a genetic influence on barrier function. R702W and G908R mutations were not associated with high permeability. Conclusions: In healthy first degree relatives, high mucosal permeability is associated with the presence of a CARD15 3020insC mutation. This indicates that genetic factors may be involved in impairment of intestinal barrier function in families with IBD.
“Living in Kitchen”早已成为一种时尚的生活方式,让厨房真正变成一处愉悦精神的身心享受之地。也正因如此,“整体厨房”概念被提出来并开始了飞速的发展。浸染欧洲风格多
一、强化生产要素1.信息、知识资源。信息激增是 2 0世纪出现的一个新名词。早在 6 0年代 ,美国科学家普莱斯在其撰写的题为《巴比伦以来的科学》、《小科学、大科学》两篇文
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关键词:减数分裂 生物变异    一、有丝分裂与减数分裂图的识别与应用  识图:(1)抓住以下要点:①在有丝分裂过程中是自始至终都有同源染色体的,而在减数第二次分裂的过程中是没有同源染色体的;②在减数分裂过程中的一些特征变化,如:联会、四分体、同源染色体排列在赤道板上或同源染色体的分离,在减数第一次分裂中自始至终都是有染色单体的;③在研究有丝分裂后期和减数第一、二次分裂后期时,一般我们看移向细胞
一    张居正主持内阁后,于隆庆六年(1572年)六月十九日受到神宗召见。感激之余,张居 ?背?表示要“竭才尽忠”报效君恩。事后,在谢恩疏中他又申明自己的主张:“方今国家要务,惟在遵守祖制,不必纷纷更改。”张居正说的是肺腑之言,他当时根本没有想到什么改革,想的只是振兴明朝,恢复太祖时的兴盛。他的“遵守祖制”的核心是加强中央集权,并全力为此奋斗。但张居正所处的时代与明初已有所不同,这就逼迫他制定出