Searching Out the Roots of the Sanxingdui Civilization

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The Sanxingdui Culture ruins,on western China’s Chengdu Plain,are regarded as the ninth wonder of the world. Archaeologists have been unable to produce any explanation for this enigmatic culture that existed some 3,500 years ago. They are particularly intrigued in its advanced level of technology. There are no traces of civilizations preceding or succeeding the Sanxingdui,which suggests a spectral existence in an isolated time and space. When rst discovered,the civilization was attributed Erik von Daniken style space alien connections. Eighty years later,archeologists are still confounded by the Sanxingdui riddle. The Sanxingdui Culture ruins, on western China’s Chengdu Plain, are viewed as the ninth wonder of the world. Archaeologists have been unable to produce any explanation for this enigmatic culture that existed some 3,500 years ago. They are particularly intrigued in its advanced level of technology There are no traces of civilizations preceding or succeeding the Sanxingdui, which suggests a spectral existence in an isolated time and space. When rst discovered, the civilization was attributed Erik von Daniken style space alien connections. Eighty years later, archeologists are still confounded by the Sanxingdui riddle.
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