Giorgio Agamben’s Cenobitic Communism and the Limits of Posthumanism

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Contemporary cultural theory has been overtaken with a posthumanist conc for the biopolitical or the definition and organization of life. Life,in the posthumanist t,is re-defined as postlife, or as that which breaks with enlightenment and scientific attempts to contain life and actively resists categorization,conceptualization,and theorization.This essay is a critique of the postlife theories of the posthumanist t,which have come to dominate both cultural theory and popular culture.Through a close reading of Giorgio Agamben’s (2013) The Highest Poverty,alongside an analysis of the film Her (Jonze et al.2013),I argue that what passes for a conc with the boundaries and treatment of life is,in actuality,a displacement of the fundamental cause of the heightening contradictions of global capitalism,namely,the exploitation of labor.By ting the contradictions of the social into the consequences of a political apparatus determined at the level of ideas,posthumanist theories of life dematerialize the causes of inequality and in their place substitute a reality without materiality and thus without any true potential for transformation.
编辑同志: 贵刊在1988年第6期首页所刊的《编者的话》中对作为一家学术性理论刊物所表示的态度,读后真令人高兴。任何一门学科的学术研究旨在对该学科研究对象的内在规律进
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