Influence of Air Flow Rate on Functional Evaluation of Semicircular Canals

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Objective To study the influence of unilateral air flow rate change on the result of caloric test.Materials and Methods The unilateral weakness(UW) index was calculated when the air flow rate was set at 6 L /min in both ears(called symmetric stimulation) and again when it was set at 6 L /min in left ear and 3 L /min in the right ear(called asymmetric stimulation).Each individual subject was tested with both symmetrical and asymmetrical stimulations.Paired t test was used to examine the differences between results from symmetrical and asymmetrical stimulations.Result UW index decreased in response to asymmetrical stimulation.Conclusion Unilaterally decreased air flow rate can produce indices suggesting ipsilateral UW,which can be misleading. Objective To study the influence of unilateral air flow rate change on the result of caloric test. Materials and Methods The unilateral weakness (UW) index was calculated when the air flow rate was set at 6 L / min in both ears (called symmetric stimulation) and again when it was set at 6 L / min in left ear and 3 L / min in the right ear (called asymmetric stimulation). Every individual was tested with both symmetrical and asymmetrical stimulations. Paired t test was used to examine the differences between results from symmetrical and asymmetrical stimulations. Results UW index decreased in response to asymmetrical stimulation. Conclusion Unilaterally decreased air flow rate can produce indices suggests ipsilateral UW, which can be misleading.
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摘 要:利用信息技术学科特点,开展德育工作,让信息技术教学与德育有机地整合,让信息技术教学成为德育新阵营。  关键词:德育;信息技术;整合  中图分类号:G416 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2012)14-096-1  德育是学校发展的灵魂,没有德育就没有人才。作为信息技术教师,我们要利用学科特点,让信息技术教学与德育有机地整合。  一、利用信息技术中的德育内容对学生进
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