抓好四大重点 推进战略发展

来源 :恩施州党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmzhkj
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为有效推进恩施州“一主三化”发展战略,必须抓好四大重点:壮大支柱产业,培植龙头企业,加快项目建设,扩大如商引资。本文就如如何抓好进行深入剖析探讨。 In order to effectively promote the development strategy of Enshi Prefecture under the principle of “one main, three, and three,” we must focus on the following four key points: strengthening the pillar industries, fostering the leading enterprises, speeding up the project construction and expanding business investment. This article on how to do a good job in-depth analysis of the discussion.
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