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山西省的优势在煤,发展靠煤,问题也集中在煤。特别是在解决煤矿企业“多、小、散、乱”问题过程中暴露出的官煤勾结、权钱交易等问题,社会广泛关注,群众反映强烈。省委、省政府高度重视煤焦领域健康发展问题,确立了通过开展煤焦领域反腐败专项斗争,以进一步落实中央《建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系2008-2012工作规划》,促进我省“三个发展”。煤焦领域反腐败专项斗争一年多来,教育挽救了一批党员干部,清理追缴了一批违规资金,揭露和查处了一批典型案件,发现了一批有价值的案件线索,建立健全了一批规章制度。实践证明,省委的决策是正确的,对于推进全省经济社会发展、实现中央提出的“保增长、保民生、保稳定”目标起到了积极作用。 The advantages of Shanxi Province in the development of coal, rely on coal, the problem is also concentrated in the coal. Especially in resolving the problems of collusion of coal and coal and power and money exposed during the “multiple, small, scattered and chaos” of coal mining enterprises, the society has paid extensive attention and the masses have responded strongly. The provincial party committee and the provincial government attach great importance to the healthy development of the coal-charcoal field and have established a special anti-corruption campaign in the field of coal charcoal to further implement the 2008-2012 Work Plan of the Central Government for Establishing and Improving a Corruption Punishing and Preventing Corruption System, Three developments “. Over the past year or so since the campaign against corruption in the field of coal charcoal, education has saved a number of party members and cadres, cleaned up and chased a number of illegal funds, exposed and investigated a number of typical cases, discovered a number of valuable case clues and established and improved A number of rules and regulations. Practice has proved that the decision-making by the provincial party committee is correct and has played a positive role in advancing the economic and social development in the province and realizing the goal of ”ensuring growth, ensuring people’s livelihood and ensuring stability" put forward by the Central Government.
已经十余年了,每当我翻看《黄镇书画选辑》,抚摸着扉页上"刘昭、华清同志纪念·黄镇朱霖1989年国庆"的题字和一幅幅的画页时,老首长、老战友黄镇同志的音容笑貌便浮现在我眼前。我们相识50余年,前后共事十多年,而他离开我也有十余年了,但我们共同战斗、生活的那些日子是我永生不会忘记的。    1.初次相识在太原    1936年秋,在党中央营救下,我同薄一波、安子文等同志从北平草岚子监狱出狱后,于193