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晏方即上海童衍方先生。提及先生,圈子里的人大都知道他是一位著名的书画篆刻家,是上海中国画院的画师(国家一级美术师)、上海市书法家协会的副主席,然对其收藏,或许大多数人并不十分清楚。先生自2001年始,陆续为《新民晚报》的“夜光杯”栏目撰写鉴赏文章,限于栏目的版面,先生将自己所珍藏的艺术品的特色、创作者的生平、流传的渊源浓缩于短短千字之内。文章言简意赅,不乏学者之风度。今年恰逢”夜光杯”创刊60周年,先生亦正好60周岁。在此巧合之际,先生精选几年来撰写的文章60篇,几十年来收藏的艺术珍品180件,汇集成册、公诸同好。于此,93岁高龄的周退密先生在序言中赞曰,先生此举“合乎圣人与众乐乐之崇高原则”。 Yan Fang that Shanghai Tong Yan Fang. Mentioned in the circle, most of the people in the circle knew that he was a famous painting and calligraphy and seal cutting artist, an artist at the Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy (artist at the national level) and a vice chairman of the Shanghai Calligraphers Association. However, Most people are not very clear. Since 2001, Mr. began to write appreciation articles for the “Luminous Cup” section of Xinmin Evening News. Due to his limited edition, Mr. Feng concentrates his collection of works of art, the creator’s life, Words within. Article succinct, there is no shortage of scholar of grace. This year happens to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the publication of The Luminous Cup, which is just 60 years old. In this coincidence, Mr. selected 60 articles written in the past few years and 180 pieces of art treasures collected over the past few decades. Here, the 93-year-old Mr. Zhou replied in his preface that “this is in line with the lofty principle of saints and Lele.”
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<正> 在中国,人参主要是吉林红参或园参。其形态与朝鲜人参稍有不同,参体细长,效果一般是朝鲜人参的1/2到1/3,价格比日本御种人参、朝鲜高丽参低,性质功能几乎与朝鲜人参相同
商陆(Phytolacca acinosa Roxb)系我国常用的一种中草药,主治宫颈糜烂,白带多,水肿及外用治痈肿疮毒等。我们从商陆叶中抽提出多种蛋白质,并对共抗HSV-2活性进行了研究,试图
作者用马桑内酯对17只原始灵长类动物——树鼩进行实验。观察到癫痫发作行为和皮质脑电图变化均有一定的昼夜差异。 The authors used coriaria lactone to conduct experim