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1972年3月,中国致函联合国非殖民化特委会主席,指出香港、澳门是被英、葡当局占领的中国领土的一部分,根本不属于所谓的“殖民地”范畴,中国将在条件成熟之际,用和平方式收回港、澳。1974年4月25日,葡萄牙国内发生革命,推翻了独裁政权。新政府承认澳门不是葡萄牙的殖民地,而是中国领土。1979年2月8日,中葡建立了外交关系,葡萄牙政府承认,澳门是中国领土,目前由葡管理,在适当时期,双方将通过友好协商来解决。1984年底,中英会谈圆满解决了历史遗留的香港问题,为中葡双方解决澳门问题产生了重大的影响。1986年6月16日,中葡两国外交部发表联合公报,宣布于同年6月30日和7月1日在北京举行澳门问题的首轮会谈。第二轮会谈于同年9月9日~10日举行。第三轮会谈于同年10月21日~22日举行。 In March 1972, China wrote a letter to the Chairman of the UN Commission on Decolonization, stating that Hong Kong and Macao are part of the Chinese territory occupied by the British and Portuguese authorities and do not belong to the so-called “colonial” category at all. China will, under the conditions Mature, the peaceful recovery of Hong Kong and Macao. On April 25, 1974, a revolution took place in Portugal, overthrowing the dictatorship. The new government admits that Macau is not a Portuguese colony but a Chinese territory. On February 8, 1979, China and Portugal established diplomatic relations. The Portuguese government recognizes that Macao is a Chinese territory and is currently administered by Portugal. At an appropriate time, the two sides will resolve the issue through friendly consultations. By the end of 1984, the Sino-British talks successfully solved the problem of Hong Kong left over by history and had a significant impact on the settlement of the Macao issue by China and Portugal. On June 16, 1986, the Chinese and Portuguese foreign ministries issued a joint communiqué announcing the first round of talks on the Macao issue in Beijing on June 30 and July 1 of the same year. The second round of talks took place on September 9 to September 10 of the same year. The third round of talks was held from October 21 to 22 in the same year.
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