
来源 :中国汽车市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wakaji
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近来总能听到关于“后合资时代”的讨论,然而关于什么是后合资时代,却始终没有一个统一的说法。有人说,后合资时代是个时间概念。从1983年北京吉普成立至今,中国汽车的合资之路已走过近30年,很多企业第一轮中外合资签约的20年期限已过,中外双方就合资事宜的新一轮续约,标志着汽车行业进入后合资时代。也有人说,后合资时代是软实力的体现,经过引进、消化、吸收等一系列过程,合资企业自主研发实力逐渐增强,合资自主品牌的推出,标志着后合资时代的到 Recently, we can always hear the discussion about the era of post-joint ventures. However, there is no unified view on what the post-joint-venture era is. Some people say that after the joint venture era is a concept of time. Since the establishment of Beijing Jeep in 1983 up to now, the joint venture of China’s automobile industry has come through nearly 30 years. The 20-year deadline for the signing of the first round of Sino-foreign joint ventures by many enterprises has passed. The renewal of a new round of joint ventures between China and the United States marks After the automotive industry entered a joint venture era. It is also said that after the joint venture is the manifestation of soft power, through the introduction, digestion and absorption and a series of processes, the independent research and development of joint ventures has been gradually strengthened. The launch of a joint venture with its own brand marks the arrival of the joint venture era
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