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目的探讨轮状病毒(rotavirus,RV)感染对胃肠外脏器损害的临床表现特点。方法新疆医科大学第五附属医院2007年1月~2009年10月收住院276例急性腹泻患儿,用酶联免疫吸附试验检测粪便RV抗体,IgM阳性腹泻患儿为观察组112例与同期其他原因所致的腹泻患儿为对照组164例,对两组病例进行回顾性分析,比较两组一般情况、肠道症状、肠外表现及实验室检查。结果两组胃肠外脏器损害发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(P=0.0271),通过比较两组脱水、电解质紊乱、酸碱平衡紊乱的发生率(P<0.05),无明显差异,提示胃肠外脏器损害发生率与病情轻重无关;比较观察组不同年龄段(≤1岁和>1岁)发生肝脏损害的发生率(P=0.013),差异有统计学意义,提示年龄越小患儿,发生肝脏损害的几率越高;两组相应受累脏器损害的发生率一一比较,结果显示均有差异。结论RV感染引起的胃肠外脏器损伤临床上多表现为潜伏型及亚临床型,在诊治时,应重视肠外脏器有无受损情况,并给予积极有效对症治疗,一般患儿均预后良好。 Objective To investigate the clinical features of rotavirus (RV) infection in patients with extraintestinal and intestinal organ damage. Methods A total of 276 children with acute diarrhea admitted to the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University from January 2007 to October 2009 were enrolled in the study. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to detect stool RV antibody in 112 children with IgM positive diarrhea. The causes of diarrhea in children as a control group of 164 cases, two groups of patients were retrospectively analyzed, the general situation of the two groups, intestinal symptoms, parenteral manifestations and laboratory tests. Results There was no significant difference in the incidence of gastrointestinal organ damage between the two groups (P = 0.0271). By comparing the incidence of dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and acid-base disturbance in both groups (P <0.05) (P = 0.013). The difference was statistically significant, suggesting that the older the age (≤ 1 year and> 1 year old), the incidence of liver damage (P = 0.013) Small children, the higher the risk of liver damage; the corresponding incidence of damage to the two groups one by one comparison of the results showed that there are differences. Conclusions The clinical manifestations of extraintestinal and intestinal organ damage caused by RV infection are mostly latent and subclinical. At the time of diagnosis and treatment, we should pay more attention to the damage of parenteral organs and give positive and effective symptomatic treatment. The prognosis is good.
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我院从1982年至1986年10月共收治有机磷农药中毒296例,其中35例11.8%伴心肌损害。35例均经心电图证实,其中 S—T 段及 T 波改变12例,室性早搏5例(2例为频发),Q—T 间期延长4
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1986年6月至1987年1月我院收治10例急性菠萝中毒病人,现作临床分析报告如下:临床资料 (一)一般资料:10例病人分两批发生,86年6月至7月6例,87年1月4例,均为进食了用汽车运载