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在10月21日本刊举行的创刊75周年庆祝大会上,中国职业技术教育学会秘书长闻友信、国家教委职教司师资处处长吴继宸、北京市平谷县副县长吴静涛、北京新源里二中校长田世润、北京西城区教育局职教科副科长宋果行、胜利石油学校校长喻祥隆等同志,分别代表中国职业技术教育学会、国家教委职教司、平谷县政府、中华职业教育社团体社员、本刊通讯员及外地来京参加庆祝会的人员在大会上讲了话,他们热情洋溢、充满深情的话语,使我们深深感受到职教同仁对本刊的关心、支持和寄予的殷切期望。对此,我们表示衷心的感谢。现将闻友信、吴继宸、吴静涛同志的发言刊登如下,以激励我们与大家一道把杂志办得更好。 At the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the first issue of this magazine held on October 21, Wu Jichen, secretary general of the Vocational Education and Training Commission under the State Education Commission, Wu Jingchen, deputy magistrate of Pinggu County, Beijing, and Xinyuanli Tian Shirun, principal of the Second Central School, Song Fruit Bank, deputy chief of the Vocational Education Department of Beijing Xicheng District Education Bureau, and Yu Xianglong, president of Shengli Petroleum School, represented the Chinese Vocational and Technical Education Institute, the Vocational Education Department of the State Education Commission, the Pinggu County Government and members of the China Vocational Education Community , Our correspondents and other personnel from other places in Beijing to attend the celebration made a speech at the conference. Their passionate and affectionate words made us deeply feel the concern, support and hope placed by vocational education colleagues . In this regard, we express our heart-felt thanks. The speeches of Comrades Wen Yuxin, Wu Jichen and Wu Jingtao now are published below to inspire us to work with the magazine to do a better job.
摘 要: 本文详细地阐述了健美操动作中的基本姿态是如何在健美操教学中起到重要作用的,这对提高健美操教学质量有着直接的影响。  关键词: 姿态 健美操教学 重要性    健美操已成为当代高校代表教学的重要项目之一,在健美操教学中,一般比较重视学生掌握动作的准确性,而容易忽视对学生进行美感的培养。对于动作的优美性,提高动作的表现力,却常常停留在“只可意会不可言传”的感性概念上。因此,有必要对影响动作美
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