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旧京城广文斋古钱铺广文斋古钱铺开业于清成丰五年(1855),坐落在西琉璃厂中间路南。店主刘三戒,河北献县人,务农传家,因荒年携眷来京,在宣武门外西晓市摆地摊,售卖旧书帖维持生计。数年后稍有积累,又因在某富家购得大量古钱,刘便在琉璃厂开设厂“广文斋古钱铺”。该店是一间门面的小铺,匾颔是刘松龄书写的,由刘三戒与其子刘廷锡共同经营。当时琉璃厂尚无专营古钱的商店,一时收藏古钱者争相选购,生意很兴隆。店主自此资金日多,鉴别古钱技能渐高,因而常去山东、河南、山两等地村镇收购古钱。小店以专营古钱,不售赝品,名噪一时,人多以“古钱刘”呼之,而广文斋字号却鲜为人知了。古钱店从刘三戒传至子廷锡,又传至孙文清,后图文清热衷仕禄,又转由文清之弟刘文锋经营。刘文译继承后,刻苦自学,求教专家,故古钱、甲骨知识颇为广博,后因吸食鸦片,营业亏累,广文斋乃于1940年以后倒闭,广文斋古钱铺兴盛时期,古钱收藏家董康、罗振玉、方药雨、袁寒云,溥心、鲁迅以及大学教授、文史界学者、名流都是该店常客。又时有日本、欧洲各国商人光顾,与店主均成好友。一德国商人对店主讲,我老了,今后不能再来了,请允许给你和门面拍照,以便将来我儿子寻你做生意。后来这位德商的 Old capital Guangwenzhai ancient money shop Guangwenzhai ancient money shop opened in Qingcheng five years (1855), located in the West Liulichang middle of the road south. Liu three precepts of the owner, Xianxian people in Hebei, farming farmers, because of famine to bring dependents in Beijing, Xuanwumen outside the West Market, street stalls, the sale of old books to maintain their livelihood. A few years later a little accumulation, but also because of a wealthy home to buy a lot of ancient money, Liu then opened a factory in Liulichang “Guangwenzhai ancient money shop.” The shop is a facade of the shop, plaque is written by Liu Songling, Liu Siming and his son Liu Ting-tin joint operation. At that time there is no franchise store Liulichang ancient shops, temporary collection of ancient money rushed to buy, the business is booming. Since then, the owner of more funds to identify ancient money skills are high, so often go to Shandong, Henan, two towns and villages to buy ancient coins. Shop to franchise the ancient money, not selling fake goods, fame for a while, many people with “ancient money Liu” call, but the Guangwenzhai font size but little-known. The ancient money shop from Liu Sanjie to Zi Ting tin, and passed to Sun Wenqing, after the picture Qing Xie Shi Shilu, and then transferred to the brother of Wen Qing Liu Wenfeng business. After the succession of Liu Wen’s translation, hard self-study, seek advice from experts, so the ancient money, knowledge of bone is quite extensive, after taking opium, business losses, Guangwen vegetarian closed down after 1940, Guangwen vegetarian ancient shop flourished, Ancient collectors Dong Kang, Luo Zhenyu, Fang Yiyu, Yuan Hanyun, Pu Xin, Lu Xun and university professors, scholars of literature and history, celebrities are the shop regulars. At times, Japanese and European businessmen patronize and become friends with shopkeepers. A German businessman told the shopkeeper that I am old and will not be able to come again. Please allow photographing with the facade so that my son will look for you to do business in the future. Later, the German business
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