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近年来,人们把织金打鸡洞誉为“地下天宫”“王者之洞”人间奇观,乾坤娇容”。我常想,何日能亲临其境,赏玩一番,实乃人生乐事。一个偶然的机会,某会议代表进洞观赏,我亦“借光”得遂夙愿。清晨,车从织金县城出发,约十多分钟光景,“墨峰耸秀”胜景扑进眼帘。黛青色墨峰,嵯峨雄奇,天然秀骨,兀立于天地间。不久,车出九里长冲峡谷,天然湖绰约风姿展现眼前。千顷湖面,烟波浩渺,帆影点点,水天一色。岸边水草中伫立的鹭鸶不时惊飞起来,直穿云天。“美啊,天然湖!”众口称赞。我的心陶醉在这如画的湖光山色之中,一边浏览山野秋光,一边听着导游的同志介绍打鸡洞内的概况。 In recent years, the people knuckled Zhijin Chicken as “the underground wonders of the underground temple” and the world wonders of heaven and earth. “I often think that it is a pleasure to live in the world when I can personally visit and enjoy it. Occasionally, a conference delegate hole to watch, I also ”borrowed.“ In the early morning, the car starting from Zhijin county, about ten minutes, ”Peak“ show popped his eyes. , Sagittarius majestic, natural Xiu-bone, standing in between heaven and earth. Soon, the car out of nine long red canyon, graceful natural beauty of the lake show the immediate. Qian area lakes, vast waves, Sails shadow, water and sky. Egret from time to time scared to fly straight through the sky. ”Beauty ah, natural lake!" All praise. My heart reveling in the picturesque lakes and mountains, while browsing the mountain autumn light, while listening to tour guide comrades to introduce the chicken hole Inside the overview.
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勤劳的苗族青年都林在祖传油灯的伴随下,率众日夜开山造地,灯花姑娘为了帮助都林开山,用自己的银 Diligent Hmong young people are accompanied by the ancestral lamp, t
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