Foreword for publication

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Today, CHINA FOUNDRY journal, an English edition of comprehensive technical periodical concerning foundry firstly published in Chinese foundry industry, will be formally issued and meet with readers. CHINA FOUNDRY journal is the symbol that Chinese foundry technology periodical is on the way to the world, and also an important window through which foreign foundrymen understand developing information of Chinese foundry industry, and it adapts to the request for world economic globalization. Hence, I feel immensely orgulous and proud. At this moment, I will give my thanks to all people, especially those colleagues in foundry field for their most kind concern and support during planning and preparing to publish CHINA FOUNDRY journal. In China, a big country in foundry with smelting and casting history of more than 5000 years, many elegant and incomparable foundry products were ever created. Those exquisite castings such as the Zenghou Yi Bell Chime cast during the Warring States period, a prosperity period of bronze ware, and the Yongle Bell built in the Ming Dynasty is the immortal art masterpieces left for common people, and surprised the whole CHINA FOUNDRY journal, the English edition of comprehensive technical periodical concerning foundry first published in Chinese foundry industry, will be formally issued and meet with readers. CHINA FOUNDRY journal is the symbol that Chinese foundry technology periodical on on the way to the world, and also an important window through which foreign foundrymen understand developing of of found for industry, and it adapts to the request for world economic globalization. Therefore, I feel immensely orgulous and proud. At this moment, I will give my thanks to all people, especially those colleagues in foundry field for their most kind concern and support during planning and preparing to publish CHINA FOUNDRY journal. In China, a big country in foundry with smelting and casting history of more than 5000 years, many elegant and incomparable foundry products were ever created. Those exquisite castings such as the Zenghou Yi Bell Chime cast during the Warring States period, a prosperity period of bronze ware, and the Yongle Bell built in the Ming Dynasty is the immortal art masterpieces left for common people, and surprised the whole
1.学校的“爱鸟周”就要到了,小辉、小磊和李强三个小伙伴决定亲手制作一个鸟窝挂在树上。于是,三个人放学后就在学校周围找起材料来。 1. School “Love Birds Week ” is
泪流满面:楼上从来不见白天有人出入,夜里一点多却传出脚步声,摆弄东西的声音,还有喃喃自语,有时候还会有锅碗瓢盆的响动,敲键盘的噼啪声,两三点才平息。家里有小孩哭闹,大人就说:再哭就让楼上的晚上来把你抓走。后来才知道楼上住了个编辑。  范剑平 : 某君高中时沉迷网络,时常半夜翻墙出校上网。一日他照例翻墙,翻到一半即拔足狂奔而归,面色古怪,问之不语。从此认真读书,不再上网,学校盛传他见鬼了。后来他考上