加强团的思想建设 提高各族学生政治素质

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中央民族大学肩负着为各民族和民族地区培养社会主义现代化建设高层次人才的重任,这一历史使命要求我们必须始终把培养政治合格、业务过硬的现代化建设人才作为办学过程中孜孜以求的奋斗目标,并把它作为检验我们的思想政治工作是否过硬的标准。衡量政治合格与否的标准:一是看其是否用科学的理论作指导;二是看其是否能够自觉坚持党的基本路线。能否做到这两点,关键又在于我们是否能够坚定不移地用邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论武装各族青年。基于这样的认识,校团委始终把加强团的思想建设摆在团建工作的首位,把对各族学生进行邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论的教育作为团的思想建设的首要问题来抓,并探索出了一套适合我校特点的教育方法,收到了积极的成效。 The mission of the Central University for Nationalities shouldering the task of training top-level talents for the socialist modernization in all ethnic and ethnic minorities requires that we always regard the modernization personnel who are politically qualified and well-versed in the task of pursuing diligence in running a school, And use it as a test to see if our ideological and political work is perfect. The measure of political eligibility or not: First, to see if it is guided by scientific theories; second, whether it can consciously uphold the Party’s basic line. Whether or not these two points can be achieved depends on whether we can unswervingly arm young people of all ethnic groups with Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Based on this understanding, the CYL CYL committee has always put the building of the CYL’s thought in the first place of the CYL building task, taking the education of all ethnic groups in Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics as the primary issue in the CYL building. And explored a set of education methods that suit the characteristics of our school and received positive results.
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