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Rapeseed is one of the most important oil seed in the world, and it is a valuable source of high quality protein as well as edible oil. Its protein comprise 35~45% of the meal that remains after extraction of the oil. The balance and availability of its amino acids are comparable with those of soya bean meal and if it is fortified with methionine and arginine, it can satisfy the entire requirement of the chicken. However, as containing some of the toxic substances or anti-nutritional factors such as fibre, phenolics, phytic acid and glucosinolates, it has deleterious effects on per-formance and health of the poultry and livestock. To minimise these effects the amount of the Rapeseed is one of the most important oil seed in the world, and it is a valuable source of and high quality protein as well as edible oil. Its protein includes 35 ~ 45% of the meal that remains after extraction of the oil. The balance and availability of its amino acids are comparable with those of soya bean meal and if it is fortified with methionine and arginine, it can containing the whole requirement of the chicken. , phenolics, phytic acid and glucosinolates, it has deleterious effects on per-formance and health of the poultry and livestock. To minimise these effects the amount of the
中国的诗与舞自古一体同宗,可是试探用舞蹈表现上下五千年之纵横,又绝非轻举之事。   偏偏香港有一群与舞蹈结缘的“社团”人愿试此举——香港舞蹈团体联合会集结了四十六个
同志们: 今天,我们召开1992年全国药品监督管理工作会议。这次会议是在中国共产党第十四次全国代表大会胜利结束,全国人民正在认真贯彻十四大精神的情况下召开的。会议的中
Parenteral nutrition support(PN)is one of the most important developments of the last 40 years for surgical science and practice.It is being utilized for patie
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1945年参加革命的牛占英,从小喜欢并擅长文艺; 13岁走上文艺工作岗位至今,一干就是 50多年。 13、4岁的牛占英曾参加过辽沈、平津两大战役,并荣立过大功,残酷、艰苦的战斗环境锻炼出他勇敢顽