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一些国家鼓励植树造林的作法朝鲜政府规定,每年4月6日为植树节,4月10日为植树日,造林三年后,国家按成活率95%的标准验收,好的奖励,差的视情况进行处理;印度古吉拉特邦呵默达马德市等部分邦、市规定,新建住房要栽5棵树,才发竣工证;菲律宾十岁以上的国民... Some countries encourage afforestation practices The North Korean government provides that April 6 each year for the Arbor Day, April 10 for the tree planting day, afforestation three years later, the country according to the survival rate of 95% of the standard acceptance, good rewards, poor visual The situation is dealt with; Gujrat state of India and other parts of the State of Ahmedabad and other cities, the provisions of the new housing to plant 5 trees before the completion of construction permits; Philippine citizens over the age of 10 ...
李××,女,20岁。左眼被汽枪子弹所伤,5天后检查,左视力0.04,上睑内侧见一伤口,球结膜水肿,瞳孔中度散大,鼻侧视网膜有广泛水肿及出血。X线摄片示眶内 Lee × ×, female,
韩××,女,51岁。砍柴时跌倒被树椿刺伤右眼,当时只包扎,未予手术。50多天后因疼痛而来院治疗,检查角膜有一6×6毫米园形穿通伤口,虹膜嵌顿,后用 Han × ×, female, 51 ye
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Nowadays there are many college students who choose to start their own undertakings instead of finding a job after graduation.The government encourages this pra
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美摄导主在馁演合llimit’vIl,二l二二人翥摇篱贫新靖传叭二十八集电视连续剧《八旗子弟》请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 The United States lead the photog