Verifiable image revision from chameleon hashes

来源 :网络空间安全科学与技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xfchen113001
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In a digital society,the rapid development of computer science and the Internet has greatly facilitated image applica-tions.However,one of the public network also brings risks to both image tampering and privacy exposure.Image authentication is the most important approaches to verify image integrity and authenticity.However,it has been chal-lenging for image authentication to address both issues of tampering detection and privacy protection.One aspect,image authentication requires image contents not be changed to detect tampering.The other,privacy protection needs to remove sensitive information from images,and as a result,the contents should be changed.In this paper,we propose a practical image authentication scheme constructed from chameleon hashes combined with ordinary digital signatures to make tradeoff between tampering detection and privacy protection.Our scheme allows legiti-mate users to modify contents of authenticated images with a privacy-aware purpose (for example,cover some sensi-tive areas with mosaics) according to specific rules and verify the authenticity without interaction with the original authenticator.The security of our scheme is guaranteed by the security of the underlying cryptographic primitives.Experiment results show that our scheme is efficient and practical.We believe that our work will facilitate image appli-cations where both authentication and privacy protection are desirable.
1 内容分析rn研究两个图形的位置关系,一方面可以从直观上去定义它,另一方面可以通过某种数量关系刻画它.在两个图形的位置关系中,临界状态的位置关系往往具有特殊的研究意义,直线和圆的位置关系也是如此.因此,本节复习课的内容主要有以下两方面:(1)用圆心到直线的距离与半径的大小关系来判断直线与圆的位置关系;(2)直线和圆相切的判定及性质(也是重点内容).《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》对直线和圆提出如下要求:了解直线和圆的位置关系,掌握切线的概念,探索切线与过切点的半径的关系,会用三角尺过圆上一点画圆
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