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往古来今谓之宙, 四方上下谓之宇。——淮南子齐俗训——宇宙空间的物质密度现在所能探索到的宇宙范围,照上次所说的,约是以我们为球心,半径五万万光年的球面内的范围。在这其间,在局部上多少看到有一些疏密的聚落,但是平均而言,大体是成为均等分布的,星云约有—万万个。赫勃尔(E.P.Hubble)氏有一个譬喻,正好作我们的解说。他说,若以我们为球心,空间中直径八仟米的球体为标准,在这球面每隔十五米的平均距离放置一个纲球,并且在各处都散布到,假使这—个个的纲球譬作是星云,那末这就是星云宇宙的姿态。我们用现代的大望远镜所能观测到的范围,就相当于上一譬喻的球体半径。 To the ancient and modern times that the universe, the four sides up and down that the Yu. - Huai Nanzi Qi Custom Training - The universe of material density The universe can now explore the scope of the universe, according to what was said last time, about our sphere, with a radius of 50 million light years within the scope of the sphere. During this period, there were some scattered settlements on the local level, but on average, they were roughly evenly distributed. The number of nebulae was about 10 million. E.P. Hubble’s has an analogy that is just for our explanation. He said that if we are the center of the ball, a sphere of eight meters in diameter is the standard in space, and a sphere is placed at an average distance of fifteen meters from the sphere and scattered throughout. If this is a The outline of the game is the nebula, and this is the attitude of the nebula universe. The range that we can observe with modern large telescopes is equivalent to the radius of the previous metaphor.
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