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卵泡不能够正常的生长及排出,是不孕症常见的原因。我院自1996—1998年6月对127例不孕症患者进行月经周期中卵泡的动态观察,报道如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 资料 本组127例均为门诊病人,年龄25~40岁。不孕症时间为2~9年,有正常性生活,未避孕。男方泌尿系检查,并作精液分析,排除男方原因所致不孕。 1.2 方法 采用ALoka SSD—256型超声诊断仪。探头频率3.5 MHZ,取仰卧位,充盈膀胱,在下腹部耻骨联合上方多面探查,测量子宫大小,观察形态,在宫角水平侧探头沿着输卵管探测两侧卵巢,记录图像及卵泡大小、形态有无异常,冻结图像。正常排卵大约在月经中期,因个体差异较大,我们根据患者月经情况,一般从月经来潮第7~8 d开始超声波监测,当卵泡直径<10 mm时,可每3日监测一次;当卵泡直径达10~15 mm时,每2日监测一次;当卵泡直径>15 mm时,每日监视一次,直到排卵。 Follicles can not be normal growth and discharge, is a common cause of infertility. Our hospital from 1996 to June 1998 127 cases of infertility in the menstrual cycle in the follicular dynamic observation, reported as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Materials The group of 127 patients were outpatients, aged 25 to 40 years. Infertility time is 2 to 9 years, with normal sex life, not contraception. Male urinary tract examination, and for semen analysis, excluding infertility caused by the man. 1.2 Methods ALoka SSD-256 ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus. Probe frequency of 3.5 MHZ, supine position, filled the bladder in the lower abdomen suprapubic joint exploration above the surface, measuring the size of the uterus, observe the morphology of the probe in the cornual horns side of the oviduct along the ovary detection, image recording and follicular size, morphology Abnormal, freeze the image. Normal ovulation in the mid-menstrual period, due to individual differences, according to the patient’s menstrual conditions, usually from the menstrual cramps 7 to 8 d began to monitor ultrasound when the follicle diameter <10 mm, once every 3 days monitoring; when the follicle diameter Monitoring up to 10-15 mm every 2 days; when follicle diameter> 15 mm, monitoring once daily until ovulation.
“I wander’d lonely as a cloud.The floats on high o’er vales and hills……”英国著名的湖畔派诗人威廉·沃兹沃斯的一首《水仙》,生动地描述了英国湖区的优美景色。
一年来,丰田汽车公司接近1 000万辆的庞大召回事件让人震惊,这凸显出丰田无法摆脱的困局:在攫取全球市场份额的过程中是否牺牲了质量?  据估计,丰田汽车公司召回和停售汽车带来的短期影响将使之付出10亿美元左右的代价。同时,除支付召回费用、停止生产带来的损失外,丰田汽车还面临着前所未有的信任危机。自1月21日丰田因突然加速问题发出第二个召回令以来,其市值已经下跌18%,跌去2.55万亿日元(合282
探讨致畸“四项”—弓形虫、巨细胞、风疹、单纯疱疹病毒对孕产妇的影响。随机选择正常妊娠妇女150 例,有异常孕产史妇女200 例,采用酶标免疫血清学诊断,进行血清“四项”检测。结果表
市场与营销实践使福田汽车走向成功的一个最大特点,就是公司总能够在特定的时间内,抓住最好的机会,适时推出市场最需要的产品,因此,福田被业界称为最会抓市场机会的企业。 M