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(2014年9月5日)同志们:这次,市委安排每位常委用一周时间,分头对八个县区和三个经济区进行集中调研,是为了贯彻落实王三运书记在兰州调研时提出的一系列新要求,给“三区”和各县区经济社会发展把脉会诊,共同研究解决存在的突出问题,特别是把党风廉政建设落到实处,确保完成全年目标任务。同时,也是为了呼应群众路线教育实践活动整改要求,探索建立一种好的调查研究制度,上下互动、深入一线、破解难题。 (September 5, 2014) Comrades: This time, the municipal party committee has arranged for every member of the Standing Committee to devote one week to a centralized investigation of eight counties and three economic zones in order to implement the Wang’s account made by the clerk in Lanzhou A series of new requirements have been put in place to consult the “three districts” and the economic and social development in counties and counties to jointly study and solve outstanding problems that exist. In particular, the party’s work style and the building of an honest and clean government will be implemented in a down-to-earth manner to ensure the completion of the full-year goal and tasks. At the same time, it is also to meet the rectification and reform requirements of the mass line education practice and to explore the establishment of a good system of investigation and research, which enables interaction from top to bottom, deepens the front line and resolves problems.
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