
来源 :中国卫生质量管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w7kny6194i
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电子时代的到来,使信息网络正在成长为“第四媒体”,将成为人们获得信息和实现社会多种功能的主要载体。因而抓紧时机实施“医院管理信息系统”,可以树立医院的形象,规范医院各项管理工作,提高医院工作的透明度,降低办公费用,提高办公效率,有利于勤政、廉政及医德医风建设,同时大幅提高医院工作人员的信息化水平,也可改变医院在信息建设领域长期以来在硬件、软件和信息服务业投资上的严重比例失调的状况。但由于大多数医院在信息建设初期,对各种问题认识不足,以致达不到预期效果,不仅浪费大量资源,更重要的是影响了医院信息系统建设的进程。下面就目前医院管理信息系统建设初期存在的一些问题进行讨论,并希望以此能找到解决问题的突破点。 With the advent of the electronic age, the information network is growing into the “fourth media,” and will become the main vehicle for people to obtain information and realize various functions of the society. Therefore, seizing the opportunity to implement the “Hospital Management Information System” can establish the hospital’s image, standardize the hospital’s management work, improve the transparency of the hospital’s work, reduce office expenses, improve office efficiency, help diligent government, clean governance, and medical ethics construction, At the same time, the level of informatization of hospital staff can be greatly increased, which can also change the situation of serious imbalance in the investment in hardware, software, and information services industries in the field of information construction for a long time. However, due to the lack of understanding of various issues in the early stage of information construction, most hospitals failed to achieve the desired results, which not only wasted a lot of resources, but more importantly affected the process of hospital information system construction. Now we discuss some of the problems existing in the initial stage of the construction of the hospital management information system, and hope that we can find a breakthrough point for solving the problem.
第一讲 医院科室的组织编制与机构设置 第二讲 医院科室的思想作风建设 第三讲 医院科室的业务技术建设 第四讲 医院科室的人才培养 第五讲 医院科室的质量管理 第六讲 医院
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