The discovery of a quantum Griffiths singularity in superconducting films

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More than 40 years ago,Robert B Griffiths proposed that phase transitions can be dramatically changed by a disorder effect and,in particular,that it is possible for the dynamical critical exponent to diverge[1].Since that time,this theory has been applied to quantum phase transitions(QPTs)and has been developed into the concept of the quantum Griffiths singularity.However,the primary More than 40 years ago, Robert B Griffiths proposed that phase transitions can be dramatically changed by a disorder effect and, in particular, that it is possible for the dynamical critical exponent to diverge [1]. Since that time, this theory has been applied to quantum phase transitions (QPTs) and has been developed into the concept of the quantum Griffiths singularity. However, the primary
With the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,the research teams led by Prof.Xu Xiaohong(许小红)at the School of Chemistry and Materials
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