
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinqing101
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无人植保飞机是现代植保的尖端武器,无人植保飞机喷洒服务是农业社会化服务的最后一截断链,所以无人植保飞机是中国无人植保事业最需要扶植的项目。最近从农业大省湖南传来无人植保飞机纳入购置补贴的喜讯。从2014年起,在湖南农村,各界关注的遥控植保飞机有了补贴,这是全国首次纳入补贴目录的新鲜事件,具有划时 Unmanned plant protection aircraft is the cutting-edge weapon of modern plant protection, unmanned plant protection aircraft spraying service is the last chain of agricultural social services chain, so no one plant protection aircraft is China’s most unprotected plant protection projects most need to support the project. Recently, unmanned planter aircraft came from Hunan, a big agricultural province, into good news on the purchase of subsidies. Since 2014, there has been subsidies for remote-controlled plant protection aircraft of concern in all rural areas in Hunan’s rural areas. This is the first time in the country that a fresh event has been incorporated into the subsidy list,
[目的]了解油藏微生物Thermoanaerobacter sp DF3的生理生化特性,优化木糖产乙醇培养方案。[方法]利用厌氧分离技术从大港油田油层采出液中分离到一株产乙醇厌氧杆菌DF3采用
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由中国社会科学情报学会主办 ,东北师范大学信息传播与管理学院承办的中国社会科学情报学会2001年学术研讨会暨全体理事会于2001年8月2日至5日在长春召开。来自全国社科院、高校、党校、