Influences of Mechanical Vibration on Rapidly Solidified Al_2O_3/YSZ Ceramics Prepared by Combustion

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdzhao
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Al2O3/YSZ composite ceramics was fabricated with combustion synthesis technology, and the influences of mechanical vibration on its microstructures and properties were investigated. It is found that under the mechanical vibration of ever-increasing frequency, increasing combustion temperature, accelerating ceramics/metal liquid-liquid separation and quickening ceramic solidification could not only reduce the average diameter and the size distribution of aligned ZrO2 nano-micron fibers in rod-shaped Al2O3 matrix grains, but also make the randomly-oriented rod-shaped grains finer and increase their aspect ratios. As a result, a remarkable increase in flexural strength and fracture toughness of the ceramics can be observed. Al2O3 / YSZ composite ceramics was fabricated with combustion synthesis technology, and the influences of mechanical vibration on its microstructures and properties were investigated. It is found that under the mechanical vibration of ever-increasing frequency, increasing combustion temperature, accelerating ceramics / metal liquid- liquid separation and quickening ceramic solidification could not only reduce the average diameter and the size distribution of aligned ZrO2 nano-micron fibers in rod-shaped Al2O3 matrix grains, but also make the randomly-oriented rod-shaped grains finer and increase their aspect ratios. As a result, a remarkable increase in flexural strength and fracture toughness of the ceramics can be observed.
今天的活动课上,易老师笑着对大家说:“我们今天来做个有意思的游戏好不好?”  “好.”我们异口同声地回答.“请同学们都准备两张小纸条.”易老师清了清嗓子说.我们不知道易老师要我们做什么游戏,一个个兴奋得眼睛发亮,很快都把小纸条准备好了.  易老师看见全班同学都准备好了,说:“请你们在两张小纸条上分别写一个奇数和一个偶数.写好后,两手各握一张,不要给我看,也不要给你身边的同学看.”  不一会儿,我们