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良好的政治生态无论对于党的建设,还是对于党员干部个人的发展都至关重要,尤其是在地方,更直接关系到群众切身利益。“万物尽秋气,一室难为春。”如果大环境、大生态出问题了,具体环节、个体活动只会变本加厉而不可能自我修复。应该承认,这些年来政党建设方面客观潜滋暗长了一些不容忽视的问题:一些地方、一些部门正气不彰,邪气不祛;明制度名存实亡,潜规则大行其道;遵纪守法埋头实干的干部处处受排挤,胡作非为好大喜功的干部如鱼得水加官晋级,等等。如果这样的从政环境,政治生态不能有效遏制消除,不仅政党的宗旨信仰无从体现,理想目标渐行渐远, Good political ecology is of vital importance both for party building and for the personal development of party members and cadres. In particular, local politics are directly related to the vital interests of the masses. "If the environment, the big ecological problems, specific links, individual activities will only intensify and can not be self-healing. It should be admitted that in recent years there has been a number of issues that can not be ignored in terms of the objective potential for political party building. In some places, some departments have not achieved good righteous ideas and evil spirits. The Ming system has existed in name only and unspoken rules prevail. Expelled, noncommittal non-cadres for decent work promotion, and so on. If such a political environment, political ecology can not effectively curb the elimination, not only the purpose of party faith can not be reflected, the ideal goal lopsided,
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