An Image-Based Diagnostic Expert System for Corn Diseases

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fightwang
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The annual worldwide yield losses due to pests are estimated to be billions of dollars.Integrated pest management(IPM) is one of the most important components of crop production in most agricultural areas of the world,and the effectiveness of crop protection depends on accurate and timely diagnosis of phytosanitary problems.Accurately identifying and treatment depends on the method which used in disease and insect pests diagnosis.Identifying plant diseases is usually difficult and requires a plant pathologist or well-trained technician to accurately describe the case.Moreover,quite a few diseases have similar symptoms making it difficult for non-experts to distinguish disease correctly.Another method of diagnosis depends on comparison of the concerned case with similar ones through one image or more of the symptoms and helps enormously in overcoming difficulties of non-experts.The old adage ’a picture is worth a thousand words’ is crucially relevant.Considering the user’s capability to deal and interact with the expert system easily and clearly,a webbased diagnostic expert-system shell based on production rules(i.e.,IF < effects > THEN < causes >) and frames with a color image database was developed and applied to corn disease diagnosis as a case study.The expert-system shell was made on a 32-bit multimedia desktop microcomputer.The knowledge base had frames,production rules and synonym words as the result of interview and arrangement.It was desired that 80% of total frames used visual color image data to explain the meaning of observations and conclusions.Visual color image displays with the phrases of questions and answers from the expert system,enables users to identify any disease,makes the right decision,and chooses the right treatment.This may increase their level of understanding of corn disease diagnosis.The expert system can be applied to diagnosis of other plant pests or diseases by easy changes to the knowledge base. The annual worldwide yield losses due to pests are estimated to be billions of dollars. Teprated pest management (IPM) is one of the most important components of crop production in most agricultural areas of the world, and the effectiveness of crop protection depends on accurate and timely diagnosis of phytosanitary problems.Accurately identifying and treatment depends on the method which used in disease and insect pests diagnosis.Identifying plant diseases is usually difficult and requires a plant pathologist or well-trained technician to accurately describe the case. Moreover, quite a few nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn old adage ’a picture is worth a thousand words’ is crucially relevant. Conscious of the user’s capability to deal and interact with the expert system easily and clearly, a webbased diagnostic expert-system shell based on production rules (ie, IF THEN ) and frames with a color image database was developed and applied to corn disease diagnosis as a case study. The expert-system shell was made on a 32-bit multimedia desktop microcomputer. The knowledge base was frames, production rules and synonym words as the result of interview and arrangement. It was desired that 80% of total frames used visual color image data to explain the meaning of observations and conclusions. Visual color image displays with the phrases of questions and answers from the expert system, enables users to identify any disease, makes the right decision, and chooses the right treatment. This may increase their level of understanding of corn disease diagnosis.The expert system can be applied to diagnosis of other plant pests or diseases by easy changes to the knowledge base.
先进积极学校:  南宁市横县横州镇第五初级中学  梧州市藤县象棋镇第一初级中学  梧州市藤县平福初中  梧州市藤县第五中学  贺州市昭平县五将中学  北海市合浦县山口中学  玉林市玉州区名山中学  玉林市玉州区第八初级中学  玉林市兴业县城隍镇第二初級中学  贵港市覃塘区蒙公乡第一中学  贵港市覃塘区黄练镇第一初级中学  防城港市上思县民族中学  防城港市上思县第二中学  河池市金城江区第三中学 
患者 女,50岁,因子宫次全切除术后11年,接触性阴道流血1年于2005年11月18日入我院.1994年,在某医院因"子宫肌瘤"行子宫次全切除术,术后无不适症状,未做妇科检查.于2004年11月开始,性交后出现阴道流血,量少,未用药,血可自止.2005年5月,到某医院行子宫颈刮片及阴道镜检查,诊断为"慢性宫颈炎"、"老年性阴道炎",给予抗感染止血治疗病情无好转.2005年9月,出现无接触性阴道流血
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【摘要】目前,我国素质教育的不断发展,使得教育理念越来越科学。因此,课堂教学质量已经成为普遍关注的焦点。中职数学课堂教学质量对学生的学习效果影响深远,也能够反映出教师的教学效果。所以,建立中职数学课堂教学评价体系,能够对新教师的教学效果产生强烈的影响。笔者就中职数学课堂教学评价对新教师的教学效果的影响进行了研究。  【关键词】中职数学 课堂教学评价 教学效果 影响  【中图分类号】G642 【文献