High power diode-pumped 914-nm Nd:YVO_4 laser

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ciyoyo23
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A high power continuous-wave(CW) 914-nm Nd:YVO_4 laser at room temperature is presented.Using an end-pumped structure and employing an 808-nm diode-laser as the pump source,the maximum output power of 15.5 W of the 914-nm laser is achieved at the absorbed pump power of 40.2 W,with a corresponding average slope efficiencyη_s=65.6%.To the best of our knowledge,this is the highest output power of diode-pumped 914-nm laser.A beam quality factor M~2=2.8 at the output power of 15 W is measured by using the traveling knife-edge method. A high power continuous-wave (CW) 914-nm Nd: YVO_4 laser at room temperature is presented. Using an end-pumped structure and employing an 808-nm diode-laser as the pump source, the maximum output power of 15.5 W of the 914-nm laser was achieved at the absorbed pump power of 40.2 W, with a corresponding average slope efficiency η_s = 65.6% .To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest output power of diode-pumped 914-nm laser. A beam quality factor M ~ 2 = 2.8 at the output power of 15 W is measured by using the traveling knife-edge method.
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