HfO_2-based ferroelectric modulator of terahertz waves with graphene metamaterial

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andacaizheng
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Tunable modulations of terahertz waves in a graphene/ferroelectric-layer/silicon hybrid structure are demonstrated at low bias voltages. The modulation is due to the creation/elimination of an extra barrier in Si layer in response to the polarization in the ferroelectric Si:HfO_2 layer. Considering the good compatibility of HfO_2 with the Si-based semiconductor process, the highly tunable characteristics of the graphene metamaterial device under ferroelectric effect open up new avenues for graphene-based high performance integrated active photonic devices compatible with the silicon technology. Tunable modulations of terahertz waves in a graphene / ferroelectric-layer / silicon hybrid structure are demonstrated at low bias voltages. The modulation is due to the creation / elimination of an extra barrier in Si layer in response to the polarization in the ferroelectric Si: HfO 2 layer. Considering the good compatibility of HfO_2 with the Si-based semiconductor process, the highly tunable characteristics of the graphene metamaterial device under ferroelectric effect open up new avenues for graphene-based high performance integrated active photonic devices compatible with the silicon technology.
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