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人类与作物害虫斗争的方法是多样的,但主要是应用农业措施和农药方法治理之。然而长期使用农药,特别是广谱性的农药,虽然能抑制虫害,但也危害了农田生态系统中的许多有益生物致使害虫更加猖獗。因此,国内外许多植保工作者正在努力寻求更安全的防治方法。联合国粮农组织提出:“按照害虫种类的种群动态与其相关的环境,采用适当的合理技术措 There are many ways in which human beings and crop pests fight, but they are mainly controlled by agricultural measures and pesticide methods. However, the long-term use of pesticides, especially those of a broad spectrum, can inhibit pests but also jeopardize the many pests in agro-ecosystems that cause pests to become more rampant. As a result, many plant protection workers both at home and abroad are striving to find safer ways to combat it. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations proposed: "Depending on the dynamics of the population of the pest species and their associated environment, appropriate and appropriate technical measures
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Sitophilus 属鞘翅目,象甲科内包括三个种:即米象 S.oryzae(L.)、谷象S.granarius(L.)和玉米象 S.zeamaisMot。本研究在于找出幼虫头壳的比较形态学特征,借以将 Sitophilus
木豆枯萎病普及印度,在孟买的中央邦、北部邦、比哈尔邦等地区每年的发病率可达5-10%。目前,该病害是为害木豆的最严重的真菌病害,造成50%的连作木豆死亡。 The prevalence o
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