Identity-Based Encryption on RSA Without Pairings and Key Escrow

来源 :Chinese Journal of Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhipeng
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We propose a new construction of identitybased encryption without key escrow over the tradition RSA cryptosystems. The security of our scheme follows from the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption and the difficulty of Modular inversion hidden number problem with error(MIHNPw E), which can be seen as a generalization of the modular inversion hidden number problem. We give an analysis on the hardness of MIHNPw E by lattice techniques. In our construction, we generate each user’s partial private key in the form of an MIHNPw E instance. The hardness of MIHNPw E provides our scheme with resistance against key-collusion attacks from any number of traitors. Our prototype implementation of the proposed scheme shows that it can be more computation efficient and easy-to-implementation than the influential pairingfriendly elliptic-curve based IBE scheme. We propose a new construction of identity based encryption without key escrow over the tradition RSA cryptosystems. The security of our scheme follows from the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption and the difficulty of Modular inversion hidden number problem with error (MIHNPw E), which can be seen We give an analysis on the hardness of MIHNPw E by lattice techniques. In our construction, we generate each user’s partial private key in the form of an MIHNPw E instance. The hardness of MIHNPw E provides our scheme with resistance against key-collusion attacks from any number of traitors. Our prototype implementation of the proposed scheme shows that it can be more computation efficient and easy-to-implementation than the influential pairingfriendly elliptic-curve based IBE scheme.
中国摄影师获“荷赛”3项大奖北京时间2007年2月9日18:00(荷兰当地时间2月9日11:00).第50届世界新闻摄影比赛(WPP)—“荷赛奖”获奖作品在荷兰阿姆斯特丹揭晓。Getty 图片社
简介:姜先锋,江苏省如皋职业教育中心校,中学高级教师,江苏省职业教育领军人才培训班学员。  摘要:文章通过中澳职业教育在教学内容和管理方面的对比,提出了企业意识的概念,并指出了与市场及企业紧密联系的职业学校,应该注重对学生进行企业意识的培养,具体包括市场意识、质量意识、安全意识、团队意识、经济意识、管理意识、创新意识和法律意识等。这方面的培养,能够有效地提高学生的适应能力和迁移能力。  关键词:中
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