
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kinganguo
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一个男人和一个女人在印度南方一条河上擦肩而过。一阵微风掠过,撩开了这位身穿长袍女子的头巾,露出一张美丽的脸庞。仅仅是一瞥,两个人的命运就结合在了一起。她是穆斯林,而他则是印度教徒。这就是印度新电影《孟买》开始时的几个镜头,这部电影足以改变印度电影的命运。印度的电影产量是世界上最大的,每年都要推出近800部影片。导演布隆丹·辛格说:“土耳其西部的人都看美国好莱坞的电影,而土耳其东部的人则看印度博莱坞的电影。如果就数量来 A man and a woman pass by a river in southern India. A breeze swept over, lifted the woman wearing a robes scarf, exposing a beautiful face. Just a glimpse of the fate of two people together. She is a Muslim, while he is a Hindu. This is the beginning of the Indian film ”Mumbai“ at the beginning of several shots, the film is enough to change the fate of Indian movies. India produces the largest movie production in the world with nearly 800 films a year. Director Blondin Singh said: ”People in the western part of the country look at movies in the United States and those in the eastern part of the country look at the movies in the Indian state of Hollywood.
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