Estimation of Sand Transportation Rate for Fixed and Semi-Fixed Dunes Using Meteorological Wind Data

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luzhenning
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Taibus County, Inner Mongolia, China, lies in a farming-pastoral ecotone, where severe wind erosion and various aeolian sand hazards are prevalent and fixed and semi-fixed sand dunes occur frequently. This study was conducted to investigate the relationships between sand transportation rate and wind speed for the fixed and semi-fixed sand dunes based on field measurements. The annual quantity of soil erosion by wind was estimated using meteorological wind data. The results indicated that the sand transportation rate in Taibus County in 2000 was 57.38 kg cm-1 year-1 for the semi-fixed dunes and 4.56 kg cm-1 year-1 for the fixed dunes. The total duration of erosive winds covered 12.5% of the time of the year, and spring posed the highest potential of sand transportation. Wind with low speed (≤ 17 m s-1) and high frequency plays a dominant role in sand transportation, while strong wind (≥ 17 m s-1) with low frequency significantly enhanced the sand transportation. Erosive wind speed, directions, and frequency were three crucial dynamic factors influencing sand hazards in the farming-pastoral ecotone. The dominant factors intensifying sand and dust storms in Taibus County might be related to the favorable wind condition in combination with the durable drought, which led to land desertification and vegetation degradation. Taibus County, Inner Mongolia, China, lies in a farming-pastoral ecotone, where severe wind erosion and various aeolian sand hazards are prevalent and fixed and semi-fixed sand dunes occur frequently. This study was conducted to investigate the relationships between sand transportation rate and wind speed for the fixed and semi-fixed sand dunes based on field measurements. The annual quantity of soil erosion by wind was estimated using meteorological wind data. The results indicates that the sand transportation rate in Taibus County in 2000 was 57.38 kg cm- 1 year-1 for the semi-fixed dunes and 4.56 kg cm-1 year-1 for the fixed dunes. The total duration of erosive winds covered 12.5% ​​of the time of the year, and spring posed the highest potential of sand transportation. Wind with low speed (≤ 17 m s-1) and high frequency plays a dominant role in sand transportation, while strong wind (≥ 17 m s-1) with low frequency significantly enhanced the sand transportation. directions, and frequency were three crucial dynamic factors influencing sand hazards in the farming-pastoral ecotone. The dominant factors intensifying sand and dust storms in Taibus County might be related to the favorable wind condition in combination with the durable drought, which led to land desertification and vegetation degradation.
数学系 。者…刊物及期,或出版单位…论文“目或书名郭仲衡}固体力学学报vOI·5,1(1985){不可压缩弹性圆筒的有限幅度螺旋振动’“’郭仲衡…淤芝录{.f足.二:!黑‘’a’““
《小溪流》创刊于1980年春,由文学巨匠茅盾先生题写刊名。经过长达一年的收集、整理和选编,小溪流杂志社和湖南少年儿童出版社联袂推出六卷本《小溪流35周年典藏书系》,其中童话三卷,小说两卷,散文诗歌合一卷。今年起,我们将会在“经典故事荟”栏目中陆续分享这套精选集里的精品佳作,与新老读者一起回顾《小溪流》35年来走过的道路。  我打开门,童童没有像往常那样做个鬼脸,皮球一般地蹦进来。  门口根本没有人
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