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1.欧洲债务危机。始于2009年底的希腊债务危机在2010年初大爆发,欧盟被迫联手国际货币基金组织(IMF)建立7500亿欧元稳定基金以控制局面,中国也出手“义援”希腊国债。但希腊喘息未定,爱尔兰在第四季度也爆发危机,并进而引发市场对葡萄牙、西班牙的担忧。债务危机暴露出欧元区的深层次问题,损 1. European debt crisis. The Greek debt crisis, which started in late 2009, started a big meltdown in early 2010. The EU was forced to join hands with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to establish a 750-billion-euro stabilization fund to control the situation. China has also launched a handful of “Greek aid” bonds. However, Greece has no respite, and Ireland also experienced a crisis in the fourth quarter, triggering market concerns over Portugal and Spain. Debt crisis exposes deep-seated problems in the euro area
汶川特大地震,让监管干部进入了一个非常特殊的历史时期,这对每一名置身其间的干部来说,都是空前的考验和挑战。同时也迫使他们以全新的认识和工作方式去应对全新的形势、去破解全新的课题。  由于灾后重建的资金量、覆盖面及其复杂性等情况都是从未遇到过的。稍有不慎,就难免出问题。“可以用8个字来形容我们的心情,就是:如履薄冰、战战兢兢。”这是一位纪检干部的话。    都江堰:保证每一项监督都能够一落到位  “