Accelerated nucleation of tetrahydrofuran(THF)hydrate in presence of ZIF-61

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaohw123456
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Clathrate hydrate can be used in energy gas storage and transportation,CO 2 capture and cool storage etc.However,these technologies are difficult to be used due to the low formation rate and long induction time of hydrate formation.In this paper,ZIF-61(zeolite imidazolate framework,ZIF) was first used in hydrate formation to stimulate hydrate nucleation.As an additive of clathrate hydrate,ZIF-61 promoted obviously the acceleration of tetrahydrofuran(THF) hydrate nucleation.It shortened the induction time of THF hydrate formation from 2-5 h to 0.3-1 h mainly due to the template function of ZIF-61 by which the nucleation of THF hydrate has been promoted. Clathrate hydrate can be used in energy gas storage and transportation, CO2 capture and cool storage etc. However these technologies are difficult to be used due to the low formation rate and long induction time of hydrate formation. In this paper, ZIF-61 (zeolite imidazolate framework, ZIF) was first used in hydrate formation to stimulate hydrate nucleation. As an additive of clathrate hydrate, ZIF-61 promoted obviously the acceleration of tetrahydrofuran (THF) hydrate nucleation. It shortened the induction time of THF hydrate formation from 2-5 h to 0.3-1 h mainly due to the template function of ZIF-61 by which the nucleation of THF hydrate has been promoted.
〔目的〕检测微卫星不稳定性(MI)在子宫内膜癌中的阳性率及其与 p53蛋白表达的相关性和临床意义。〔方法〕常规方法提取了36份子宫内膜癌新鲜冰冻组织和相应外周血的DNA ,利
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1997年5月10日全国大骨节病病情监测会议如期在重庆市召开。各省监测点均按要求,携 X 光片到会。依照历年惯例,组成会议领导小组,集体读片组,组织了介绍分析情况的座谈会,时
本文就新世纪图书馆文献信息服务特点问题,进行了阐述,提出了一些看法。 This article elaborates on the characteristics of the library literature information service
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