
来源 :新课程研究(中旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:triyve
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随着社会经济文化和职业教育的快速发展,英语在中等职业学校教育的地位越来越重要。如何提高中等职业学校英语教学效果,培养出能够适应市场经济条件,对基础英语熟练应用、并具有一定专业技能的复合型人才,是当前职业教育的重要课题。本文就此结合笔者的实践进行探讨。 With the rapid development of social economy, culture and vocational education, the status of English in secondary vocational schools is more and more important. How to improve the effect of English teaching in secondary vocational schools and cultivate the compound talents who are able to adapt to the market economy, apply proficiency in basic English and have some professional skills are the important topics of current vocational education. This article discusses the author’s practice in this connection.
This paper presents an ultra-low-power area-efficient non-volatile memory(NVM) in a 0.18μm singlepoly standard CMOS process for passive radio frequency identif
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Piceatannol, (E)-3, 3, 4, 5-tetrahydroxy stilbene, a natural polyhydroxy stilbene, possesses many biological activities, its synthesis has been reported. We de
(一九八六年十月三十一日) 各位代表、各位来宾、各位同志:江苏省水利学会第四次会员代表大会现在开幕了。这次代表大会的召开,是我省水利战线上的一件大喜事。出席这次会议
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If I were a father,I could build my baby strong.The one could be strong enough to overcomedifficulties and barriers. If I were a father, I could build my baby