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  【关键词】标题 特征 NBA新闻 语料库Antconc3.2.1w
  NBA is an important sports event that is reported by domestic media. Due to the limitations such as broadcasting rights and television coverage as well as domestic news lag, many basketball fans prefer to browse English official website directly to obtain timely basketball information. Thus the wording and phasing of headlines is important because they serve as the essence of news as well as reading guides for readers to choose from.
  1. Introduction
  These corpus are from the news headlines of American NBA official website between December 16th 2014 and January 1st 2015. They include 241 texts and 1,879 words in total ; the corpus comprises 241 texts which are composed of each headline and each texts.Then use the Antconc3.2.1w to analyze the corpus, carry on the statics about the collocations.
  2. Data analysis
  The length of each text can be concluded from the number of bytes, pictograph. The corpus statistics show that the pictograph of the whole corpus is 1,849, the pictograph of lexicon is 1,789, types are 657, their ratio is 36.54, which demonstrates that a high variability of words selected; four-letter-word is the most often used in headlines, average word length is 4.97, all these statics reflects that degree of difficulty of headlines is lower. (tab 1)
  1) the exact number appears most frequently
  Basketball fans are always concerned about players’ stats, thus exact numbers in headlines can help reader quickly obtain the information. Tab 1 reflects that numbers have been used for 51 times, accounting for 17.84%, ranking in the first position. The numbers are always the players’ stats who win the game and scored the most points and the players’ stats are often compared with the stars’ ones in history in Hall of Fame. For example:
  LeBron Reaches 9,000 in Cavs’ Victory over Bucks
  2) terminology and specialized terms are frequently used
  For those big fans they can understand without any problem but those are not familiar to basketball will be blind to the terminology and specialized terms. For example,
  Inside-Outside Combo Powers Wolves’ Win over Pacers,
  3) acronym is used in medium frequency
  Acronym is often used for simplicity. In this corpus,acronym accounts for 1.78 percent, ranking in fourth position. For example:   the team’s name omitted:LeBron, Cavs Cruise Past
  4) use of rhetoric
  (1) Metaphor is the most used rhetoric in news headlines, which accounts for 0.2 percent and ranks in the sixth position. It has something to do with team’s name since team’s name relates to animals. The use of rhetoric can attract readers eyeballs to a higher degree. For example:
  Chuck Hayes still a valuable weapon in Rockets’ arsenal.(这里把海耶斯比喻为重要的武器来说明其重要性)
  (2) personification
  Rockets.com answers you mailbag.
  3. conclusion
  Through the analysis of the corpus above, the author draw a conclusion that the uniqueness of NBA news headlines lie in the exact numbers、rhetoric、terminology and specialized terms and so on. Thus it is evident that English expressions have their own characteristics and styles in different fields.
  [2]何平香.NBA 语言研究[D].桂林:广西师范大学,2006.
  [3]Kortmann Bernd.English Linguistics :Essentials[M].Berlin:Cornelsen,2005.
  [4]Beard,A.The Language of Sport[M].London :Routledge,1998.
【摘要】听力是学习语言输入过程中的重要手段。本文在多模态符号学的理论基础上,从实验研究的角度来研究多模态英语教学对大学生多元识读能力的影响。结果表明:多模态英语教学比传统语言教学更受学生欢迎,能更有效地提升学生的英语听力能力。  【关键词】多模态 多元识读能力 语言能力 交际能力  语言是人类交流沟通的工具,学习语言是为交流做铺垫,交流的过程是信息输入和输出的重要过程。听力是学习语言输入过程中的重
【摘要】当前,在国家大力倡导素质教育的大背景下,我国教育事业的发展速度呈现日益加快之势。高中英语写作作为英语教学的重要组成部分,它不仅是教师教学的重点,也是学生学习的难点。本文旨在探析高中学生英语写作过程中容易出现的问题并且提出相应对策,从而达到为高中生在英语写作技巧方面提供有益借鉴的目的。  【关键词】高中英语 作文写作 技巧  在高中英语考试过程中,写作所占的分值很高,考察的范围也相对较大。它
【摘要】高中英语教学是在初中英语教学活动基础上的教学,是初中英语教学的延续和提升。作为教师需要考虑相互之间的衔接,以促进高中英语教学的省时高效。随着课程改革的不断深化发展,翻转课堂、微型课程的反复实践,给课堂注入了新的活力。本文针对微型课程在初高中英语教学衔接中的作用予以探讨,给人以一定意义上的启迪。  【关键词】微型课程 初高中英语 教学衔接  基础教育课程改革以来,人们对课程结构、课堂教学模式
【摘要】本文从模仿、借鉴和创新等三个递进阶段,对初中英语写作教学模式进行了分析探究,以期为培养学生英语写作技巧,提高学生英语写作水平提供参考价值。  【关键词】初中英语 递进式写作 教学模式  写作教学是初中英语教学的重要内容,可以提高学生的语言组织能力和逻辑思维能力。但是提高学生的英语写作水平需要遵循学习规律和学生学习特点,坚持循序渐进的原则来实现。因此,初中英语教师在写作教学中需要采取递进式的
【摘要】单词是英语语言的核心部分,单词教学方法的研究和探讨也一直是英语教学的主题。本文针对小学低年级段的学习特点和英语特点,提出1、2年级英语单词教学的几个策略——听、看、玩、猜、用等,使低年级段学生学英语单词提高效率。  【关键词】小学英语 低年级段英语教学 单词教学  语言学家Wilkins指出,没有语法,语言不能很好表达,而没有单词,则什么也表达不了。词汇教学是英语教学的重点,也是难点。对于
【Abstract】It is imperative to cultivate learner autonomy in secondary vocational school and discovery learning is a good choice.The author reviews the definition and principle of discovery learning an
【摘要】自英语学科成为中国教学中的主要课程后,对学生的影响越来越大,也越来越受到教育界的重视,学好英语将直接影响学生未来的工作。其中英语的写作,则是对学生在英语学习过程中,学到的所有知识进行的综合考核,包括词汇量、语法的掌握以及灵活运用的程度等。  【关键词】过程教学法 英语写作 教育教学  过程教学法和以往的教学有着明显的不同之处。以前,任何学科的教学最中心最重要的意义就是结果,在英语写作方面老