Methods for the analysis of neuronal plasticity and brain connectivity during neurological recovery

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bluebell228
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The study of neuronal plasticity under pathological conditions is now a major point of focus on the field of neurological recovery.After the repeated failure of acute neuroprotection strategies for stroke treatment,the design of studies aimed at promoting the reconstruction of neuronal networks has become essential.Methods for the delivery of therapeutic agents on a steady dosage,thus preventing pharmacological peaks or excessive manipulation of experimental animals,are thus required.Additionally,methods that allow the visualization of neurological remodeling processes are fundamental to the understanding of how a therapeutic agent exerts its function.Here we describe how the use of miniosmotic pumps for the steady delivery of such agents,together with tract tracer injections,can be combined to unveil important information on how the brain changes after stroke and how therapeutic agents promote brain remodeling recovery. The study of neuronal plasticity under pathological conditions is now a major point of focus on the field of neurological recovery. After the repeated failure of acute neuroprotection strategies for stroke treatment, the design of studies aimed at promoting the reconstruction of neuronal networks has become essential. Methods for the delivery of therapeutic agents on a steady dosage, thus preventing pharmacological peaks or excessive manipulation of experimental animals, are thus required. Additionally, methods that allow the visualization of neurological remodeling processes are fundamental to the understanding of how a therapeutic agent exerts its function.Here we describe how the use of miniosmotic pumps for the steady delivery of such agents, together with tract tracer injections, can be combined to unveil important information on how the brain changes after stroke and how therapeutic agents promote brain remodeling recovery.
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