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当今社会财富的分布情况到底如何?至今没有一个准确的统计数字。国有资产还有一定的数目:经营性资产大约6万亿元,非经营性资产大约有2万亿元。那么私人资产能有多少呢?既然国家统计部门没做统计,那就让我们来做一估算。首先是个人存款,到今年底已达6.4万亿元,加上手头现金、债券、股票、保险,私人手中的金融资产至少8.4万亿元。再来算私人的固定资产,首先是房产,目前全国城乡私人住房一共200多亿平方米,城市大约有50亿平方米,按每平米500元计算,总共要10万亿元。也就是说,全国私人的房产价值大约有10万多亿元。再就是经营性资产,这包括店铺、厂房、写字楼办公室、交通工具等,这一些资产总计起来大约也有六七万亿元。如此这般计算下来,私人资产总计在25万亿元左右,大大高于国有资产。但国有资产还有一块地下资源没有计算,如果算上地下矿藏以及土地资源、海上资源,国有资产还是大得多。有人估算过,改革开放20年来,向私人转移的财富大约有30万亿元。但旱涝不均、有的摊得多,有的摊得少。并且根据统计数字,这种差别还相当巨大。例如,最近美国一家杂志登出了中国50名首富,其中荣毅仁家族排在首位,财富量大约为20亿美元,折合人民币就是160亿元。其余的从10亿美元到几亿美元。短短的20年间,中国就生出这么多富翁,中国人在财富占有方面己拉开了这么大的差距!这种社会现实能不让人们拼命地追求财富吗?中国已进入了追求财富的时代。 What is the distribution of wealth in society today? There is no accurate statistics yet. There are still a certain number of state-owned assets: operating assets of about 6 trillion yuan, non-operating assets of about 2 trillion yuan. So how much private assets can be? Since the national statistics department did not do statistics, then let us do an estimate. The first is personal savings, reaching 6.4 trillion yuan by the end of this year, plus at least 8.4 trillion yuan in financial assets held in hand by cash, bonds, stocks, insurance and private hands. Come to count private fixed assets, first of all real estate, the current total of private housing in urban and rural areas a total of more than 200 billion square meters, the city about 5 billion square meters, 500 yuan per square meter, a total of 10 trillion yuan. In other words, the national private real estate value of about 10 trillion yuan. Then there are operating assets, including shops, factories, office buildings, transportation, etc. These assets together have about six or seven trillion yuan in total. So calculated, private assets totaled about 25 trillion yuan, much higher than the state-owned assets. However, there is still no calculation of underground resources in state-owned assets. If we count underground mineral resources and land resources, the resources at sea and the state-owned assets are still far greater. It has been estimated that there have been about 30 trillion yuan of wealth transferred to the private sector over the two decades since the reform and opening up. However, uneven droughts and floods, and some have more shares, and some stalls less. And according to the statistics, that difference is still huge. For example, a magazine recently published a list of the 50 richest men in China, of which the Rong Yi Ren family ranked first with a wealth of about 2 billion U.S. dollars and a renminbi equivalent of 16 billion yuan. The remaining from 1 billion to hundreds of millions of dollars. In a short period of 20 years, China has given birth to so many millionaires, and the Chinese have opened such a big gap in their possession of wealth. Will this social reality allow people to pursue their fortunes hard? China has entered an age of pursuit of wealth .
全国政协委员、农工民主党中央副主席陈宗兴: 我国加入WTO以后,世界农业对我国农业的冲击,表面上反映在农产品市场开放,进口量增长等方面;但在根本上却是来自国外对我国农业生产经营