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社会公德是社会或阶级对个人行为所提出的规范要求。从小教育学生尊重社会公德,使之养成良好的道德品质和行为习惯,对于学生将来自立于社会,成为一个有益于社会、心地纯洁善良的公民,有着十分重要的意义。我认为,向学生进行社会公德教育,应着重抓好以下几个方面:教育学生扶老携幼,从小学会处理个人与他人的关系。一个人对老弱幼小的态度,是道德水平的一面镜子。关心、爱护老弱幼小的人,也会关心、爱护他用围一切的人。因此,培养学生待人礼貌、乐于助人的品质,应当从扶老携幼的教育入手。教育学生扶老携幼,首先要教育学生尊敬自己的祖父祖母、外公外婆,爱护自己 Social morality is the normative requirement put forward by society or class for individual behavior. It is of great significance to educate students to respect social morality and develop good moral qualities and behaviors from a young age. It is of great significance for students to stand in society and become a kind and helpful citizen and a pure and kind citizen. In my opinion, to educate students on social morality, we should focus on the following aspects: Educating students to help the elderly and children, and from primary school to dealing with the relationship between individuals and others. One’s attitude toward the old, weak, and young is a mirror of moral standards. Those who care for and love the elderly, the weak and the young, will also care for and love him with everyone around them. Therefore, to cultivate students’ courtesy and helpful qualities, we should start with education for the elderly and children. To educate students to help their parents and children, we must first educate students to respect their grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents.
语文知识的教学,是整个语文教学中的一个薄弱环节,是一个值得认真研究的问题。怎样教好语文知识短文?我以为有以下几个值得注意的方面: 一、要紧扣教材,不要旁征博引。中学
<正> 个人和组织持有的评价和信念,从问题的提出到决策执行的各个阶段,都对分析起影响作用。分析人员应当特别注意,不要出于无意识,用自己的评价去影响分析。由于评价不同,很