
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:parisjiang
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Objective: To evaluate long-term anatomical and functional outcomes of a modified osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OO-KP) technique for treatment of corneal blindness from various etiologies. Methods: Two-hundred three patients (224 eyes) underwent modified OOKP surgery between 1973 and 1999. Of the original cohort, 181 patients (98 men and 83 women; mean [SD], age 54.3 [15] years) in whom a standardized 2- step surgical procedure was performed were included in the study. Preoperative diagnoses were dry eye (n=70) due to ocular pemphigoid (n=39), Sj gren syndrome (n=11), trachoma (n=8), Lyell syndrome (n=6), Stevens-Johnson syndrome (n=4), and graft-vs-host disease (n=1) and congenital lid coloboma (n=1), severe corneal burns (n=68), bullous keratopathy (n=13), keratitis sequelae (n=15), and bullous keratopathy secondary to antiglaucoma surgery (n=15). Several innovations were made to the original Strampelli technique. Median follow-up duration was 12 years (range, 1- 25 years). Results: Anatomical complications leading to OOKP loss were found in 11 (6.07% ) of 181 patients. Survival analysis estimated that 18 years after surgery, the probability of retaining an intact OOKP was 85% (95% confidence interval, 79.3% -90.7% ). Pooling patient groups, mean (SD) best postoperative visual acuity was 0.76 (0.34). Mean (SD) final acuity at the end of follow-up declined slightly (0.69 [0.39]) but significantly (P< .01). In individual diagnostic groups, mean acuity decline reached statistical significance (P< .05) only in the pemphigoid (1 line), trachoma (1 line), and bullous keratopathy secondary to antiglaucoma surgery (2 lines) groups. Survival analysis estimated that 18 years after surgery, the probability of retaining best postoperative visual acuity (within 2 lines) was mean (SD) 55.5% (12.9% ). Conclusion: Modified OOKP surgery for corneal blindness of different etiologies may provide, in the long-term, anatomically stable corneal prosthesis as well as an effective, rehabilitating recovery in visual acuity. Objective: To evaluate long-term anatomical and functional outcomes of a modified osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OO-KP) technique for treatment of corneal blindness from various etiologies. Methods: Two-hundred three patients (224 eyes) underwent modified OOKP surgery between 1973 and 1999. Of the original cohort, 181 patients (98 men and 83 women; mean [SD], age 54.3 [15] years) in whom a standardized 2- step surgical procedure was performed were included in the study. Dry eye (n = 70) due to ocular pemphigoid (n = 39), Sjögren syndrome (n = 11), trachoma (n = 8), Lyell syndrome ), and graft-vs-host disease (n = 1) and congenital lid coloboma (n = 1), severe corneal burns (n ​​= 68), bullous keratopathy (n = 13), keratitis sequelae Several innovations were made to the original Strampelli technique. Median follow-up duration was 12 years (range, 1-25 years). Resul ts: Anatomical complications leading to OOKP loss were found in 11 (6.07%) of 181 patients. Survival analysis estimated that 18 years after surgery, the probability of retaining an intact OOKP was 85% (95% confidence interval, 79.3% -90.7% Mean (SD) final acuity at the end of follow-up declined slightly (0.69 [0.39]) but significantly (P <.01). In individual diagnostic groups, mean acuity decline reached statistical significance (P <.05) only in the pemphigoid (1 line), trachoma (1 line), and bullous keratopathy secondary to antiglaucoma surgery (2 lines) groups. Survival analysis estimated that 18 years after surgery, the probability of retaining best postoperative visual acuity (within 2 lines) was mean (SD) 55.5% (12.9%). Conclusion: Modified OOKP surgery for corneal blindness of different etiologies may provide, in the long-term, anatomically stable corneal prosthesis as well as an effective, r ehabilitating recovery in visual acuity.
本文简要介绍了脉搏传导时间(pulse transit time,PTT)的定义、原理以及在诊断阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征中的功能、方法要求、临床优势以及目前存在的缺陷等,国内尚缺乏PTT
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2008年5月12日14时28分,时间永远凝固在那一刻,历史注定要铭记那一刻,草木为之含悲,风云因而变色,汶川大地震,在猝不及防中袭来,多少生灵在顷刻间失去了生命, At 14:28 on M