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一个优秀的教育工作者,除了道德品质优、业务技能精之外,还要有辩证思维的能力。比如,几个“淘气鬼”往大家爱玩的滑梯上吐唾沫,使得其他小朋友无法玩。怎么办?很多教师往往采取制止甚至斥责的方法加以处理。乍看起来,似乎无可非议,然而,从深层次去考虑,这也正暴露了教师辩证思维能力的不足。幼儿往滑梯上吐唾沫,既不卫生,又影响了他人,显然是不对的。但去了解一下,这几个“淘气鬼”的用意竟是检验唾沫在斜面上是否也能往下滑!这正表现出孩子们积极求知、探索未知的精神。如果教师能从保护幼儿求知欲的角度出发,就应该肯定他们的积极探索,同时指出这样的“探索”不卫生,而且影响他人,启发孩子通过其他方式做 A good educator, in addition to good moral character, business skills, but also have the ability to dialectical thinking. For example, a few “naughty” to spit on the slide you love to play, making other children can not play. What to do? Many teachers often resort to stopping or even denouncing them. At first glance, it seems plausible that, however, from a deeper perspective, this is also revealing the inadequacy of teachers’ ability to dialectically think. It is apparently wrong for a young child to spit on a slide, neither hygienic nor influential. But to understand, these few “naughty” intention is to test whether the spit on the slope can slide down! This shows that the children actively seek knowledge and explore the unknown spirit. If teachers can protect themselves from the curiosity of young children, they should affirm their active exploration, pointing out that such “exploration” is unhygienic and affects others and inspires children to use other means
教学设计基础喜好活动 ,喜爱探究是儿童的天性 ,而孩子们的成长也时刻与活动相伴。“自由研究”就是让学生以学习、生活实际中遇到的问题作为研究目标 ,通过亲自设计研究方案
This is an empirical study. A systematic analysis is made of the relationship between private enterprise owners and state actors as it evolves during the proces
中班上学期来了一名新小朋友斐斐,第一天他的表现就比较“突出”,饭菜撒满地,小便拉在身,集体活动时,同伴们都在津津有味地听故 In the first semester, his performance w
本文从教与学的关系、教学方法、学生学习方法与学习、课堂结构与信息技术、师生关系等方面论述教与学课堂结构的和谐与统一。 This article discusses the harmony and uni
问 :记得在我的一次公开课后 ,听课的领导和老师们在对我的课作出评价时 ,提到了一个“要及时评价学生的释疑”问题 ,要求教师该肯定的及时肯定 ,该更正的及时更正。最近 ,有
《认识动物》是首都师大版《常识》教材中的一课。我教这一课时,针对一年级小学生的情况,作了如下设计: 一、在活动中,帮学生认知 农村虽然有着城市不可比拟的优越性——与