Study on the subsonic speed flame spraying coating of hydroxyapatite

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hasolao
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A new method of preparation of biomaterial composite coating by the technique of subsonic thermal spraying was discussed in this paper. Ti6Al4V and pure Ti were chosen as substrate and sublayer material respectively and the working layer was sprayed with biomaterial hydroxyapatite (HAP), forming the composite coating. The experiments of heat shock and tensile strength showed that the bonding strength between coating and substrate is almost as same as that of specimen in which Ni/Al powder was adopted as sublayer. The phases of TiN, TiO2, and Ti2O3 were formed in the sublayer, which are free of toxic and have no side effects. The powder of working layer HAP was decomposed partly during spraying, but it can be solved by later treatment. A new method of preparation of biomaterial composite coating by the technique of subsonic thermal spraying was discussed in this paper. Ti6Al4V and pure Ti were chosen as substrate and sublayer material respectively and the working layer was sprayed with biomaterial hydroxyapatite (HAP), forming the composite coating. The experiments of heat shock and tensile strength showed that the bonding strength between coating and substrate is almost as same as that of specimen in which Ni / Al powder was adopted as sublayer. The phases of TiN, TiO2, and Ti2O3 were formed in the sublayer, which are free of toxic and have no side effects. The powder of working layer HAP was decomposed partly during spraying, but it can be solved by later treatment.
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