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作为阳明高弟,邹东廓之学以“戒惧”为宗旨,较为明晰、简捷,于阳明之教又无走作,看似只是谨守师说而已,但是否如学者所说只是“守师说而无逾越”、“顺适”而已呢?较之龙溪、心斋、双江、念庵立说之特色鲜明,东廓的一惟师说是守则不显特色,因而往往容易被归于平实,相应地,对其思想的研究在数量上相比于对前面所列诸子的研究都要少许多,且多散见于各种明代哲学史、思想史或阳明学研究的著作中。其次,从相关研究的内容来看,学者对邹东廓的思想的定性与定位存在分歧,如牟宗三、侯外庐、蔡仁厚等先生认为东廓最能发明阳明致良知之旨,为王门宗子;木村庆二、吉田公平等人则认为东廓之谨守师说与阳明致良知说的排斥僵固的开拓、自由精神相悖逆,因此非但不是王门正宗,反而是阳明学的保守派;另有学者以程朱-陆王的理学架构来判别和疏解邹东廓的思想,如冈田武彦、容肇祖、唐君毅、劳思光等人皆认为邹东廓的“主敬”、“戒惧”思想具有接近或通于宋学尤其是程朱之学的倾向。再次,前述建立在流派判分基础上的研究往往导致对邹东廓思想内涵的发掘偏于疏阔,常沦于概括性地概说而未能展现东廓思想的个体特色。因此,本文从邹东廓立说的过程入手,对其致良知说的建构过程展开分析,以见邹东廓之学的特色。 As the Yangming higher brother, Zou Eastern profile of the school to “fear ” for the purpose of a more clear, simple, teaching in the Yangming no walk, seemingly just guarding the teacher say, but as the scholar said only Shurong said without passing “, ” Shun Shi “only? Compared with the Longxi, Xinshai, Shuangjiang, read the Anli Li distinctive characteristics of the East profile of a teacher that the code is not significant, Therefore, it is easy to be classified as plain. Accordingly, the study of its ideas is much less in quantity than that of the aforementioned ones, and it is often scattered in various philosophical, intellectual or Yangming studies In research works. Secondly, judging from the content of related research, scholars disagree on the characterization and positioning of Zou Dong-profile. For example, Mou Zongsan, Hou Wailu, Cai Renhou et al. Kimura Kyoji, Yoshida Fair and others who believe that the East profile of the guardian said that Yang Ming and conscience to the conscience of the rejection of a rigid development, contrary to the spirit of freedom, so not only is not the king of authentic, but the conservative Yangming school ; Another scholar to Cheng Zhu - Lu Wang’s jurisprudence to identify and defuse the thinking of Zou Dong contour, such as Okada Takehiro, Rong Zuzu, Tang Junyi, Laosuang and others think Zou Donglou’s ”Lord“, ” Dreadfeather "has the tendency of approaching or communicating with Song Xue, especially with Cheng Zhu. Thirdly, the above-mentioned research based on the genre-based judgment often leads to the excavation of the connotation of Zou Dong-cun’s ideology to a lesser extent and often falls into the general outline but fails to show the individual characteristics of the Tung-chou’s thought. Therefore, this article starts from the process of Zou Dong profiling and analyzes the construction process of his conscience to see the characteristics of Zou study.
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